
Wertpaper Profil Call from Vonovia (UniCredit Bank GmbH) WKN HD9SDE ISIN DE000HD9SDE6 Graph Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Wertpaper Profil Call from Vonovia (UniCredit Bank GmbH) WKN HD9SDE ISIN DE000HD9SDE6 Graph Nachricht Aktien Kursvergleich

Gablitz ( – The experts of the “HebelprodukteReport” propose your active American call options on the Aktie von Vonovia (ISIN DE000A1ML7J1 / WKN A1ML7J ) vor.

After the summer of 2021, the sentence transmissions of the Kurseinbruch will be continued by the Vonovia action in the Vorjahr stabilization and part of the erlittenen Kursverluste abbauen could be abbauen. Since the start of 28.3.23 at 15.27 Euro, the Aktienkurs bis zum 1.10.24, as of 28.3.23 at 33.93 Euro, more information will be added, at a later date, at the current level at 29.31 Euro. correct.

After the Rahmen der Erwartungen lie Zahlen for the first new Monate of the Year hatten the Experts from Warburg Research with a Kursziel of 40.20 Euro per hour Kaufempfehlung for the Vonovia Action. If you want to buy the Vonovia promotion after the active correction on the way to the price of 32 euros, then it is an investment in long-term products.

The HVB-Call-Optionsschein (ISIN DE000HD9SDE6 / WKN HD9SDE) on the Vonovia-Aktie with Basic price 30 Euro, Bewertungstag 15.1.25, BV 1, became at Vonovia-Aktienkurs of 29.40 Euro with 1.20 – 1.21 Euro acted.

If you take the agreement within a period of 2.44 Euro (+102 Prozent) on a scaffolding, you can pay the costs of a conversation on a 2.44 Euro (+102 Prozent) scaffolding.

The Morgan Stanley Open End Turbo-Call (ISIN DE000MJ18HX0 / WKN MJ18HX) on the Vonovia promotion with base price and KO market for 27.026 Euro, BV 0.1, was moved to Vonovia-Kurs from 29.40 Euro by 0.25 – 0.26 Euro taxiing.

If the Vonovia promotion is at 32 euros at a later date, the inner value of the turbo calls will be higher at 0.49 euros (+88 prozent) – so that the Vonovia promotion will no longer be on the KO market or a fall can fall.

The UBS-Open End Turbo-Call (ISIN DE000UM489A6 / WKN UM489A) at the Vonovia-Action with basic price and KO-Marke for 25,958 Euro, BV 1, was sold to Vonovia-Kurs from 29.40 Euro with 3.61 – 3, 64 Euro quotient.

When purchasing the Vonovia promotion at 32 Euro, the inner value of Turbo-Calls was found to be 6.04 Euro (+66 Prozent). (07.11.2024/oc/a/d)

Possible options for interested parties: Possible options for interested parties can be found on the site of the authors/of the quotes Analyzeat sometime.