
Sortimo-Ladepark in Zusmarshausen: German E-Lade champion!

Sortimo-Ladepark in Zusmarshausen: German E-Lade champion!

In the emerging world of electromobility, the Grund zur Freude! The sorting park on the A8 near Zusmarshausen achieved 18.5 out of 19 results during the Auto Club Europa (ACE) test. This power is together with the Audi charging hub in Nuremberg and the EnBW-Ladepark in Lichtenau zum Testsieger. This Auszeichnung is the best of the first edition of the ACE-Kreisvorstands, which will appear on the stand in 2022 as “Rastplatz der Zukunft”, with a message from Radio Schwaben.

If the test of the club initiative „How the Deutschland Ladepower?“ is tested, it is worth using the infrastructure structure in Germany under the overall power of the company. The Prüfer, Harald Eckart and Harald Güller were the boss of the high Punktzahl, who were all involved in the Categories of Ladeleistung, Bedienung and Barrierefreiheit. “Here we could offer one another great break,” says Eckart. In addition to ensuring the barrier-free operation of the sorting parks, there are often others who have tested the state of affairs.

A Vorzeigestandort for E-Mobilität

The Lade infrastructure structure in Zusmarshausen is no longer a technical redesign, but is an older quality control. A Bistro with Outdoor Terrace and a Playground for Children’s Activities for Families. It was history that lasted for a while, but it was a useless force. “Reichweitenangst sollte so longam wirklich der Vergangenheit angehören!”, Eckart says.

But the Tests can no longer be found in the Sortimo-Lade Park. The ACE has taken the Schnell-Lade infrastructure in Allgäu under Lupe management. Under the motto “Hat Germany Ladepower?” the Ausstattung en Barrierefreiheit von E-Lade-Standorten and Autobahnen und Bundesstraßen was prüfted on July 31. District broadcaster Thomas Wilhelm and his team created an overview of the charging infrastructure in the region, with a brand message.

Die Zukunft der Elektromobilität

The Ergebnisse tests have been separated, one of the E-Mobilität in Germany has been completed. The ACE has not found any translation of the best infrastructure structure, but also the other charging stations, a charging for all utilities, nor more comfortable in the shapes. “If you have to pay attention to your needs, you can ensure the proper functioning of your infrastructure,” says Wilhelm. The ACE initiative is a step in the right direction, an Akzeptanz von Elektrofahrzeugen is here and the Reichsweitenangst of the Nutzers are lost.

Insgesamt said sich, that the Sortimo-Ladepark and the laufenden Tests in Allgäu that Schritte zur Besserung of E-Mobilität in Deutschland since. Testing as a test is no longer a problem for the bet, but there is a positive signal for the combined industry. The operation of electromobility is not possible!

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