
Faustball-WM der Frauen 2024: Deutschland wins at Unwetter das Auftaktspiel against Brasilien

Faustball-WM der Frauen 2024: Deutschland wins at Unwetter das Auftaktspiel against Brasilien

Status: 07.11.2024 18:16 Uhr

The Faustball-Weltmeisterschaft der Frauen in Argentina starts for Germany at Stromausfall in the rain – and with a souveränen most of Brazil starts.

I am Argentinian Montecarlo tweeted es. The temperature is at a quick 30 degrees, the air temperature is high. At 12:15 the hour of the week 10. The World of the World of Women with the Auftaktspiel Deutschland gegen Brasilien begins to play. If the Wetter has power of Turnier, nor for the Anpfiff a Strich by the Rechnung.

Das Unwetter und der Regen solve enormous technical problems in Monte Carlo aus. A Stromausfall shows the Live-Bild and the first Top-Spiele that WM starts with display and video recordings.

With one of the best performances – and never as old as the rain – the German Faustballnationalmannschaft at the Rasen is one of the Felder vom Club Guatambú one and is the great Gegner Brasilien. Das claret Ziel der Deutschen bei diesem Turnier: de Titelverteidigung.

The South West is grimly devastated

Der Anpfiff inherits and we could do about three things if they can be separated, the won game. In the starting line-up, the four A-Kaderspielerinnen from Baden-Württemberg swing on the Platz: Maya Mehle and Denise Zeiher (alongside TSV Dennach) and their team were able to keep the Klub-WM in Mannheim separate in the late summer. Your next year’s highlight is your national trip.

Who functions Faustball?

Faustball will be part of the Rückschlagspielen. Whatever the case with volleyball, it is a way to get men to a Halbfeld level. Zwischen den Spielfeldseiten befindet sich eine Leine, which at the Frauen is 1.90 meters high. Pro Team stehen fünf Spielerinnen on the field. Ziel des Spiels ist es, with the three balcony strokes of the ball, so that the Leine in the generic field of battles, the players can play in never again controllable game forms. The ball will now be played with an arm. If they both go straight up at a height of 25 meters by 20 metres, then the ball’s charge is at most one of the ground covers. Faustball is played on the line. Pro Satz became eleven Punkte benötigt (with two Punkten Vorsprung), one diesen zu gewinnen. There is no talk yet of the Zwei-Punkte-Vorsprung-Rule starting. It’s not until 2:14pm that the next punk gets separated.
If WM wins with the team’s Semifinal, the first will be three wins. In the Medaillenspielen there are four Gewinnsätze.

The German Team continues to Begin

The game starts quickly – and Deutschland will appear in the Weltmeister of 2010 zurück. Let the German Faustballerinnen de Satz noch drehen and win with 11:8.

The Germans are favorites in the summer and dominate the field in Argentina. Kurz and knackig are separated on Saturday with 11:5 for themselves.

Der dritte Satz, veldleicht schon der Siegessatz für Deutschland, beginnt. Aber first geht Brasilien wieder in Führung. German women must come to terms with heranzukämpfen. When the Brazilian women play the national nation in Faustball and show their stars, the ball is shot into the air before the ball. It is 8:5 for Brasilien, when the German Faustballerinnen are in the air for a few minutes and sit on the lawn for a few minutes. While the team of Eva Krämer and Ruben Schwarzelmüller are the Punkteabstand against the Brasilia women in the ringer, but the South American women exerted control on Saturday and won in 11:9.

The Fourth Satz. 1:1 course after start. And then the Führung der Deutschen. Diesmal can hold the Brazilian women’s attack and get into action quickly when they get into action. If you want to know more about the consequences of a punkt. Every dieser seems to motivate the Germans, nor a single trot sister. If the team has a Brazil hat, then it’s party time at the Griff, the German ball goes to the ball and is called on Saturday at 11:7 am.

The German Faustballerinnen play a souveräner Auftakt in das Turnier with a 3:1-Sieg gegen Brasilien. In the event that Stunden steht dann bereits das Zweite Spiel an – um 21:30 Uhr deutscher Zeit steht die Schweiz as der nächste Gegner für die Deutschen auf dem Spielplan.

Sendung am Fr., 8.11.2024 6:00 Uhr, SWR Aktuell am Morgen, SWR Aktuell