
Keine Energie: 7 Lebensmittel help to obtain a standard Mudigkeit

Keine Energie: 7 Lebensmittel help to obtain a standard Mudigkeit

The right balance in play, mind, sport and entrepreneurship can lead to stress. A Tätigkeit, while most people are the first to reconcile, Zeit zu sparen: Schlafen. Introduce more people to a standard mudigkeit.

If the man with a Dose of Koffein has had a great time, if the music is a little older, it is worth using the Ernährungswissenschaftler in Jess Blair, beste Lebensmittel auszuprobieren.

1. Kurbiskerne

Kürbiskerne can ensure that the fabric is not affected, but many substances can be removed.

These are high protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B1, B2, B5 and B6 that contain mineral substances such as manganese, kupfer, einen, magnesium and phosphorus. When everyone is aware of their function, the immune system becomes stronger and energy decreases.

2. Superfood avocado

The Avocado, so the Ernährungswissenschaftlerin, is not a hervorragende Quelle for the good taste, which lasts longer. The green Superfood is full of natural substances and proteins, which provide energy for a long time.

“Eine Avocado zum Frühstück, Mittagoder Abendessen (or all three of them) can be halved, Energy Tiefs zu avoid,” says Blair.

3. Banana Energie-Lieferant

“Bananas love potassium and carbohydrate, they give you great energy for a workout,” says Blair.

The bananas from the kingdom and the vitamins, minerals and fibers are as good as the experts come your way.

4. Fetiger fishing

Lachs and other fish species are an Omega-3 Fettsäuren. “Fetthaltiger Fisch hilft gegen Entzündungen – und Entzündungen können Müdigkeit verursachen”, explains Blair.

A few people who plan to eat fish can no longer gain energy from playing the disease, while the Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen occur. Fish is sorted into a healthy Haut.

5. Nüsse and Samen – healthy and fit

“Eine Mischung aus Nüssen en Samen enthält good Fette and Protein ​​and ist here a good Wahl für einen energiereichen Snack”, thus the Ernährungswissenschaftlerin.

Nüsse and Samen have more health benefits: Enjoy your home, enjoy your health and enjoy your energy.

6. Süße Hilfe: Dunkle Schokolade

Dunkle Schokolade takes out Theobromin – a substance, the expert in the field of an energy scale, called: “Theobromin gives a lovely energy to the späteren Absturz, the man zum Beispiel von Koffein knows”, explains Blair.

7. Protein from Eggs

Pochiert, roasted, heart-bought – who likes the more man Seine Eier, in his steckt Gutes fell against Müdigkeit. “Protein and B vitamins are a constant source of energy on the market,” says the expert.