
Zugeständnisse und Putin ergeben keinen Frieden Von dpa-AFX

Zugeständnisse und Putin ergeben keinen Frieden Von dpa-AFX

BUDAPEST (dpa-AFX) – Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has signed a contract with Russia’s Angriffskrieg Europäischen Partner, his Land van Zugeständnissen gegenüber Kremlchief Wladimir Putin van drängen. “That is inaccessible for Ukraine and self-governing for Europe,” Selensky said at the inquiry into the Gipfel der Europäischen Politischen Gemeinschaft (EPG) in Budapest. It is illusory to be able to enjoy a fried meal with Zugeständnissen and Kremlin chief Wladimir Putin. “Friends are now a promise for the Starks”, Europe has seen Einheit and Stärke, when the von Putin took up Security across the continent before the Krieg.

Selenskyj cannot use names in the blesser Speech. The new head of government of Viktor Orban has devised a new strategy for the EU for the Russian forces in Ukraine, which would have abated, the Russians would have to commit themselves.

Russia has won “global power – control over Ukraine and then – over everything, which is an economic or imperial reform of the autumn war”, says Selensky and the European Heads of State and Government. Thanks to the North Korean Soldiers, Putin has once again become the Krieg. “North Korea is now fighting in the Grunde Krieg in Europe.