
Waldbrand in Südkalifornien treibt Tausende aus den Häusern

Waldbrand in Südkalifornien treibt Tausende aus den Häusern

Managers warn of the grim Santa-Ana Winds, which will all appear in South Africa in autumn and winter. The trockenen Winde würden the extreme Feuergefahr verschärfen, hereß es. Summer temperatures and tropical vegetation are created here, which are as light as possible.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has received compensation from the Catastrophe Protection Agency (Fema) for the protection of the Feuers. More than 3,500 Häusers and Geschäfte seien in the affected region are affected, here is in a new Mitteilung.

More than the loss of the damage was not possible. When people come out of their Häusern, says Fire Brigade Chief Trevor Johnson. Two occupants were brought into sick homes with possible poisonous poisons. Poet Rauch lay beyond the region. Auf Bildern were verkohlte Autos und Brennero Häuser zu sehen.