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Welche Details this photo was taken by Rennen von Muriel Furrer verraten

Welche Details this photo was taken by Rennen von Muriel Furrer verraten

Preparations for a fatal accident If Muriel Furrer is prevented from falling in a forest, it will be destroyed in a storm. This is the proof of the velocomputers. CH Media documents the details of photos and videos. That’s because our Beobachtungen.

Wie een grauer Schleier liegen sich Wolken und Nebel über das Zürcher Oberland. It is cool and the water evaporates in the fresh morning light of the Spätsommers. First rain showers on the asphalt, where the rotors and helicopters rattle. The thermometer said 14 degrees, a light gust of wind. One day in September the U19 Juniors are at the Rad-Weltmeisterschaft in Zurich in Medaillen. And it is the Tag, a Muriel Furrer swing stürzt.

CH Media did not even analyze and reconstruct the TV broadcast and the image of the broadcasts for a few minutes by Fahrt Muriel Furrers. With new achievements and recognitions, there are still moments that remain unanswered. The protocol of the tragic September 26.

Muriel Furrer wrote himself on the starting list.

Muriel Furrer wrote himself on the starting list.

Image: Image

8:48 am: Unweit ihres Wohnorts Egg schreibt sich Furrer ein. They are proud of the natural surroundings of the people at the Startgelände bei der Stadthalle Uster. Am Strassenrand stehen auch Furrers Eltern. If you have written two cards, one with “Go Muriel”, and others with “Hopp Muriel”. The Abschrankungplatzieren is a Schweizer Fahne.

9:53 am: Wegen van de garstigenwetters sees a Jacke and Handschuhe über. Note: Furrer’s Velocomputer hangs next. Kurz before 10 a.m. from the 1.4 kilometer field to his own start in Angriff, before the reformist Kirche Uster, where other mountains are the official Trauerfeier for Furrer statttfinden.

Muriel Furrer started at the start of the U19-WM-Rennens vor.

Muriel Furrer started at the start of the U19-WM-Rennens vor.

Image: Screenshot

10.02 am: Among the 120 Fahrerinnen are four Schweizerinnen: Chiara Mettier, Shirin Städler, Lara Liehner and Muriel Furrer. Ziel is located 73.5 kilometers away on the Zürcher Sechseläutenplatz. If the Rennen in Riedikerstrasse becomes available, stop continuing in Mittelfeld. The German and Dutch women are shifting the pace. Bereits nach wenigen hundert Metern and im ersten Kreisverkehr stürzen de Französin Mélanie Dupin und de Litauerin Mante Bidvaite. If you want to discover an indefinite time, this may be out of order.

Kurz nach dem Start stops with the four Schweizerinnen in the forward Mittelfeld auf (am unteren Bildrand zu sehen).

Kurz nach dem Start stops with the four Schweizerinnen in the forward Mittelfeld auf (am unteren Bildrand zu sehen).

Image: Screenshot

10.15 am: During the first kilometers of the run around the Greifensee, the first group of riders will lose the Anschluss and the Peloton. The rennleitung is the first team vehicle überholen. If you click on the satellite of the Fahrerinnen, you can mount the GPS Tracker. During the Team Managers Meeting in the Vorfeld of the Weltmeisterschaften, there have been no events yet, if the Juniors have now received a transponder, which will be committed at the Gabel des Vorderrads.

One of the collected columns in the wind, the wind treasures have been played out a few times. A GPS tracker is available under the satellite.

One of the collected columns in the wind, the wind treasures have been played out a few times. A GPS tracker is available under the satellite.

Image: Screenshot

10.18 am: After the power over the rights of the Spitze des Feldes had been declared, it was a fact that he waged a war as Helferin. Learn more about using a Velocomputer herum. Once the installation is complete, everyone gets annoyed by the problem.

Furrer (here on the left near the Mittelstreifen) has created an ihren Velocomputer.

Furrer (here on the left near the Mittelstreifen) has created an ihren Velocomputer.

Image: Screenshot

10.40 am: After a run on the Greifensee, the Strecke runs in the Ortschaft Binz on the Ostseite des Pfannenstiels in the first climb with 137 meters of elevation over 1.5 kilometers. This time punk takes place in the foursome of the Feldes, while the British Imogen Wolff touches jener Fahrerin in the background, the direct hint to the future, from the Strasse abkommt and into the Strassengraben-landet. Before using the Vorfall water source, turn right and head into the Fahrt Fortress.

Verdeckt am linken Bildrand, the British Imogen Wolff loses control of his Fahrrad. If you spend more time, here's what you can do.

Verdeckt am linken Bildrand, the British Imogen Wolff loses control of his Fahrrad. If you spend more time, here’s what you can do.

Image: Screenshot

Now that we have a few hundred meters of space, in a flat course, we land three more snowmobiles on the asphalt, which are directly in front of Muriel Furrer’s good friend Lara Liehner, who with their links are connected to the click pedal and on the road they move on. ​Sturz zu verhindern .

Furrer (Dritte from the left) set the left Fuss on the Strasse.

Furrer (Dritte from the left) set the left Fuss on the Strasse.

Image: Screenshot

10.49am: At the entrance to the Gemeinde, the Dorfes broadcasts by Muriel are followed by Mal von the TV cameras. On the way, the 17-year-old Zeitpunkt is in a Vierer group, a few meters further than the Österreicherin Ramona Griesser.

Continue in a Vierergruppe in the Linken Strassenrand.

Continue in a Vierergruppe in the Linken Strassenrand.

Image: Screenshot

10.59 am: In a period of 18 months, the steep path from the Zumikon and the Küsnacht has led to the most massive statue of Muriel Furrer. The road is with the Österreicherin Ramona Griesser. Nor is it still a kilometer away from the Waldstück, in the Passion of the Unfall.

Muriel Furrer in the handlebars, the velocomputer hangs on the front, a satellite is mounted on a GPS-activated tracker.

Muriel Furrer in the handlebars, the velocomputer hangs on the front, a satellite is mounted on a GPS-activated tracker.

Image: Image

11.03 am: Run 400 meters before the mutmasslichen Unfallstelle entsteht a video, das the “Blick” will be played. The Zeitung describes the situation as follows: «Zuerst kommen zwei Fahrerinnen. Eineinhalb Sekunden später erscheint een Fahrerin, und ihrem Hinterrad Furrer. With a slight back position, with a view to Schweizerin, then follow the first two lone Fahrerinnen and then a Dreier-Grüppchen. Acht Sekunden nach Furrer passert die Österreicherin Griesser die Stelle. After four other vehicles, follow the begleitfahrzeuge.»

If the Spitzengruppe has the Linkskurve passion, it is a Zivilschützer with the rights of the Strassenrand on the Kurvenausgang platziert, around 200 meters between two more Zivilschützer.

Three Zivilschützer closes the Linkskurve in the Abfahrt.

Three Zivilschützer closes the Linkskurve in the Abfahrt.

Image: Screenshot

30 seconds into the service, when the Verfolgerinnen, Lara Liehner, pass the couple, his three Zivildienstleistende dort postier.

11.04 am: 20 tot 30 Sekunden später muss Furrer in een Waldstück in een Abfahrt beim Weiler Schmalzgrueb in een light Linkskurve gestürzt and ins dense Unterholz geruutscht signal. If there is no more war, everything will be there, because of the rain on the narrow and narrow streets where no one will be concerned. Gemäss «Blick» is een konkurrentin in de ugenwinkel die wiehrgemommen, dass Furrer von der Strasse abgekommen sein könnte.

11.10 am: The passion of the Spitzengrupper is one of the first steps in the Care Zone at Bahnhof Tiefenbrunnen. If the TV images do not recognize and are not possible, the Schweizer Box will be their Zeitpunkt occupation. Four minutes of später over the first Spitzengruppe in Zielinie. There is one of two Fahrerinnen, the Zwischenzeit has never failed.

In Rot kleidet: Schweizer Helfer in der Verpflegungszone in Witikon.

In Rot kleidet: Schweizer Helfer in der Verpflegungszone in Witikon.

Image: Screenshot

11.29 am: Das Feld is aimed at the Nursing Zone in Witikon. The time has finally come, with a distance of 30 meters, while the Helfer of the Schweizer teams is stationed, one of the Fahrerinnen is collecting the groceries.

11.45 am: The Spitzengruppe starts on its second run and the mutmasslichen Unfallstelle vorbei. It is not possible to see an Unfall. It’s a bit quiet on the back. When the Bäumen found out that the Zeitpunkt was the lost Muriel Furrer.

The Spitzengrupper is passive for the Stelle, and the Muriel Furrer in the Runde is a failed war.

The Spitzengrupper is passive for the Stelle, and the Muriel Furrer in the Runde is a failed war.

Video: Youtube

11.58 am: The British Cat Ferguson focused on the Sechseläutenplatz in Zurich and is proud of his Weltmeisterin. 31 minutes after the U19-Rennen with the Inderin Harshita Jakhar gave the last Fahrerin of the U19-Rennen the Zielinie. Neun Fahrerinnen erreichen diese nicht, darunter Furrer. They are still there, but they are also known as DNF bezeichnet (not ready, not in the soul). The Radsportweltverband UCI version of the Endergebnis mit dem Zeitstempel von 12.33 Uhr.

If the Spitzengruppe passes the care zone at the Bahnhof Tiefenbrunnen zum Zweiten Mal, the Schweizer Box is not completed.

If the Spitzengruppe passes the care zone at the Bahnhof Tiefenbrunnen zum Zweiten Mal, the Schweizer Box is not completed.

Image: Screenshot

12.15 pm: Both paracycling races of the Kategorien men C4–C5 and men C3 started at the Zürcher Münsterhof. Ihr WM-Lauf führt ebenfalls über de City Circuit.

12.45 pm: If the paracycling driver and the mutmasslichen Unfallstelle von Furrer vorbeifahren, stehen with two Krankenwagen, a Police car, a Swiss Cycling car and another starting vehicle. It won’t last long. Rolf Jäger, the Mediensprecher of the Zürcher Staatsanwaltschaft, said four days after the Unfall, said: “The Sicherheitsdienst has relieved the Strecke nach de Rennen, the man has done his best and then financed it.”

12.52 pm: In Dübendorf a Rega-Rettunghelicopter started in the direction of the disaster, quickly and quickly. Four minutes later the helicopter lands on a rock under the forest structures. WM director Olivier Senn said: ‘Within minutes after the accident report came in, the Arzt went together with the rescue vehicle for Ort and started the first delivery. Auch der Rettunghelicopter stand ready.»

1:32 PM: Nachdem Muriel has developed a stabilized and transportable force, while he is on the Landeplatz des Helikopters and the Helikopter has ab. Three minutes später landet is at Zürcher Unispital.

6:32 PM: In joint collaboration with the UCI, Swiss Cycling and the organizing committee, the Zürcherin de Rennens is the most organized. “Erlitt a schweres Schädel-Hirn trauma and find it in one of his critical responses.”

While the Tag is a Freitag, share the UCI and Swiss Cycling with Muriel and the following next steps that have been made, it is worth following Sturz am Tag. Furrer wurde nur 18 Jahre alt.