
Vendée Globe: Segler Herrmann vom Rookie zum Mitfavoriten

Vendée Globe: Segler Herrmann vom Rookie zum Mitfavoriten

Segler Boris Herrmann and Bordzegener Rennyacht "Malizia - Sea explorer"

Segler Boris Herrmann and Bordzegener Rennyacht “Malizia – Seaexplorer”

Quelle: dpa

If Boris Herrmann is considered the first German Segler and the best solo regatta in the world for four years, he will lose a Welle der Euphorie with his XXL-Abenteuer. Seine Première in Zeiten der Covid-Pandemie zum Public-Hit.
Der heute 43-Jährige holte die Fans with more modern communication on the Weltmeere zu sich an Bord. There are Leiden and Freud, high and holistic figures of the soloists in the Schönsten, who display an unfiltered filter with the eyes.
Boris Herrmann on his Segel boat

Vendée Globe: The heartfelt Segelregatta der Welt. Boris Herrmann op 28.000 Seemeilen rund um die Welt. Terminated images, big emotions and a dramatic ending.31.01.2021 | 42:59 min

Weltumsegler with erzähltalent

With a signal of pleasure, you will enjoy seeing Boris Herrmann and Sportstar. A million public was not that long ago when a fishing boat rammed on the night of the run. It takes effort to play on the podium, but Herrmann has enjoyed the Platz with the fans.

It’s the hype that’s out there. As Segler and Klimakämpfer, Herrmann received the Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande and the Deutschen Meerespreis in those years. The slogan of his father and Monaco’s Pierre Casiraghi has gilded Team “Malizia” for all Souls – on the Wasser and a country: “A race we must win”.

Schipper, Boote and Segel-Rekorde

:Was Sie über die Vendée Globe erase sollten

The Startschuss zur Solo-Weltumseglung Vendée Globe took place on November 8 in the French Start- and Zielhafen Les Sables-d’Olonne. Mit Boris Herrmann (Hamburg) is originally a German skipper.

by Tatyana Pokorny

Trophäe der Vendée Globe sits on a Tisch

Hermann diesmal aufregter

Now Boris Herrmann is supporting the signaler during the Solo Weltmumsegelung. There are “im Tunnel” and “tidy as letzten Mal”, erklärte Herrmann for the Start of 10. Vendée Globe on 10. November at 1.02 pm in Les Sables-d’Olonne. The 50,000 residential properties on the French Atlantic coast are found to be in their own home.

This rennstart am Sonntag was here more than a million people who discussed the Segel heroes and their Boote in Port Olona. With 40 boats, 34 skippers and even skippers, it is a record flotation at start. A Boris Herrmann has now placed France’s Superstars and two Britons in the Circle of Co-Favorites. Make sure you visit both places at the youngest Transatlantik-Regatten and Weltranglistenplatz.

The Malizia, a Segel boat, launches into the harbor.

I am a Segelboot one of the whole Welt, speckled with Abenteuern, Mastbrüchen and Herausforderungen. When you go out, it’s about the world. With dabei: Boris Hermann.02.07.2023 | 33:06 min

His status from Vendée “Rookie” to “Big Player” said Herrmann: “With a look at the results, we will continue with the progress of the Platzen. We can also not lose the Co-Favoritenstatus.”

The team is on the paper, that’s the best we can do. Darauf can clot a bit.

Segler Boris Hermann

New boat brought to Herrmann Sieg

Two years ago I am doing the world tour as a Solo-Segler near the first start of the premiere, which in the south of the country is probably “Malizia – Seaexplorer”.

Boris Herrmann traveled for the 45,000 kilometers and ran 70 days with Herkules-Herausforderung seinem Boot, said: “We can still enjoy the Vendée Globe. We will hear that.” So take a look at French top favorite Charlie Dalin:

Boris played at his highest level. It’s constant. A Gegner, the man born in Auge.

Top favorite Charlie Dalin

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Quelle: Reuters

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