
Jan Schoch for Meilenstein im Appenzell

Jan Schoch for Meilenstein im Appenzell

The tourist Creation of the früheren Finanzunternehmers Jan Schoch im appenzelllischen Gonten nimmt ihre final Form an. In 2023 the «Huus Bären» and the «Huus Löwen» were sold to the following year in the Luxushotel «Huus Quell», that is the prize for the involvement in the prestigious ‘Leading Hotels of the World’ is offered. Lernen Sie das Tourismus-Ressort von Jan Schoch with a special overnight stay for fine-Leserinnen und-Leser im Get to know “Huus Löwen”.

***Spezialangebot für Finews-LeserInnen: Lernen Sie das «Appenzeller Huus Löwen» ***

Thats «heavenly» The atmosphere in the «Huus Löwen» is the ideal holiday for family holidays, a seminar or sports and walking holiday.

Speziell für fine-Reader:

  • 3 for 2 nights in Doppelzimmer, including Frühstück und 100 Francs Spa credit
  • zum Preis von 690.- Franken anstatt CHF 950!

Gültigkeit: until April 15, 2025, ausgenommen Fest- and Feiertage.
Buchung: Stichwort «Finews» an This email address is protected from spambots! Please provide us with JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! or by telephone 071 795 40 10.

These years of the next step were published in a commercial business to “Appenzeller Huus” and

I am the Herzen des Appenzellerlands realized of the Schweizer Unternehmer Jan Schoch (ehemal Leonteq) einzigartiges Konzept für sanften Tourismus.

With the Eröffnung of the «Appenzeller Huus», besthhed by the «Huus Löwen» and the «Huus Bären» also of the plants A luxurious «Huus Quell» in Frühjahr 2025 promised the tourist potential of the region with a focus on Entschleunigung and Erholung.

«Essenz der Ruhe»

Now that we are ready for the Flaggschiff des Projects, the new 5-star-Superior-Hotel «Huus Quell» is available for the following: Soeben wurde es von der renommierten Hotelvereinigung «The Leading Hotels of the World» (LHW) in the exclusive region.

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Opening in Spring 2025: New «Leading Hotel of the World». (Photo: zVg)

The Huus Quell owes this recognition to its modern wellness area – its spa is gilded as the most fortress in Switzerland and a fantastic indoor and outdoor design, a landscaped rooftop pool. «The Hotel Huus Quell sells the Essenz der Ruhe and a few air currents, and these Besucher works and new Kontakte buttons could, says Deniz OmurgonulsenVice Chairman, Member Experience at LHW.

Neuzugang vom Chedi

And general manager Tim Martin Weberwhen we work in Andermatt, we see that the LHW-Gruppe offers the best quality and the best quality of the house: «Here, in Einklang mit der Nature, in a high professional hotel business with a State-of-the-Art-Wellness -Bot, with the large amount of money and an innovative Barkonzept, international standards were set with the new Partners.»

The war on the new Spitzenhaus can buy a man who compensates people, zum Beispiel in the gemütlichen «Huus Löwen» the handwriting of Schoch’s tourist Kreation knows.

Mysterious Ambiente

The Boutique-Hotel overlooks its “hideous” (secret) Ambiente aus and is the ideal Wahl for Family Holidays, Seminar Weeks as well as Sport and Wanderferien.

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Zimmer in ‘Huus Löwen’. (Photo: zVg)

Here, using the imposing Alpine stone coolers, you can enjoy a natural stay and a relaxing period. «There is a real Appenzeller experience with beets. Tradition and modern times are changing here, soft drinks are always welcome,” says Schoch.

Appenzeller Strickholz in den Zimmern

Das Huus Löwen paints a new Doppelzimmer, his historic Doppelzimmer, his family zimmer and a beautiful suite in Dachgeschoss. This Zimmer is working with Appenzeller Strickholz, warms the shapes and individual shapes of mobile homes and creates a cozy, authentic atmosphere that is a spectacular view of the surrounding landscape.

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«Löwenstobe» in «Huus Löwen». (Photo: zVg)

A wellness highlight of the houses is the Hotpot with Holzofen, the Kulisse Entspannung and Appenzeller Gemütlichkeit vereint located in the Alps. “Im Appenzellerland is a real and authentic one – our Hotpot mirror becomes wider,” says Schoch.

Entspannung und Kulinarik

Für kulinarische Erlebnisse is a chef Carsten Kypkea modern fine-dining concept with traditional Appenzell specialties and innovative vegetarian and vegan options.

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Tourismus-Unternehmer Jan Schoch. (Photo: zVg)

In addition, guests can create regional specialties in an elegant, floral atmosphere in the “Löwenstobe” or experience the beautiful outdoor dining room in the “Appenzellerstöbli”, the ehemaligen Backstube der Dorfbäckerei, Gaumenfreuden in altehrwürdigem Ambiente.

Jakob Schläpfer Lounge

Neben der Löwenstube has the exclusive Jakob Schlaepfer Lounge make a tape with a Verweilen with a vom Künstler. This detail gives the window a special charm, while showing the connection of art and culture in the middle point.”

The «Appenzeller Forum» offers guests a cultural program, a cooking, spirit and viewing research and a bridge to the Appenzeller tradition. “It’s a challenge, our stay is no longer a problem, it’s just a matter of time to eat,” says Schoch.

***Spezialangebot für Finews-LeserInnen: Lernen Sie das «Appenzeller Huus Löwen» ***

Thats «heavenly» The atmosphere in the «Huus Löwen» is the ideal holiday for families, a seminar or sports and walking holiday.

Speziell für fine-Reader:

  • 3 for 2 nights in Doppelzimmer, including Frühstück und 100 Francs Spa credit
  • zum Preis von 690.- Franken anstatt CHF 950!

Gültigkeit: until April 25, 2025
Buchung: Bitte ergänzen (Stichwort, E-mailaddress, Buchungscode or ähnliches)

These years of the next step were published in a commercial business to “Appenzeller Huus” and