
Social-Media-Pinguin Pesto is attacked and loses Federn

Social-Media-Pinguin Pesto is attacked and loses Federn

If the penguin pesto has a “spectacular walk”, the Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is described, where the king penguin lives. The pesto is no longer on Mauser’s blessing. Pinguine loses his or her life as a bird and not, who fell to other birds, night and night. Pesto can also be made plain in typical black-white sauce.

Pesto war in January zur Welt came. Im Alter von neun Monaten brought 22.5 kilos to the Waage. A penguin is very likely – if he has a great art of flugunfähigen Seevögel trade at King Penguin. With 90 Zentimetern Größe überragte Pesto all others Pinguine in Gehege, including blessings Vaters Blake, der bisher als greater blesser Art in Melbourne Aquarium galt.

The baby bird with its light-hearted braunen gefieder and the elegant corperumfang would be zum Social-Media-Star, and his videos went viral on the Internet. Sogar US-Pop-Ikone Katy Perry statttete de Kugelrunden Flauschball End of September a review ab. “It’s easy to knead,” it’s warm.

Pesto makes you lose weight and lose a portion

Experts have lost concrete, the pesto when smoking in their “Smoking” outfit and lost a lot of weight and weight. “Just as the Baby Federn has fallen, a balloon has fallen, staggered and a beautiful signal,” says a Pflegerin des Pinguin-Brummers. When the Mauser was energized, the amount of energy fell on those muscular Fett zurückgreifen.

Nun is so nice. Pesto all looks better when a king penguin has a bald spot, in the next stage of life in the colony. The Mauser was found near the Wochen fence. This walk is an easier Meilenstein in Leben des Tieres. “The view behind the Kulissen is clearly visible, and you will be lost in Pesto,” wrote the Aquarium.