
“Tatort” from Kiel: Borowski proposed his “perfect murder”.

“Tatort” from Kiel: Borowski proposed his “perfect murder”.

Borowski proposed his “perfect murder”.


Klaus Borowski (Axel Milberg) says he has a new “Tatort” on the “perfect Mörder” machine.

© NDR / Thorsten Jander

I am a new “Tatort” from Kiel, Klaus Borowski and his team with a young woman who is recovering – but that is now the Anfang.

I am “Tatort: ​​​​Borowski en das ewige Meer” (10. November, 20:15 Uhr, Das Erste) is the Kieler Ermittlerteam with Klaus Borowski (Axel Milberg, 68), Mila Sahin (Almila Bagriacik, 34) and the new dating forensics Paula Rinck (Thea Ehre, 24) with a young woman in more tun. The device looks like after some inspiration.

Darum is in “Tatort: ​​Borowski and the New Lake”

19-year-old Clara Weidenfeld is sheltered on the beach. Director with his angry ex-boyfriend Benno Sitter (Jonathan Berlin, 30) works with the Kieler Police. Once the battle begins, an attempt is to get Clara to care for another woman and make her feel better with her.

If a young woman on the beach gets a refund, make sure there is a connection to the fraud. Both are involved in climbing protection and making a construction project and the kitchen, both are pursuing their first job and both are in contact with Zenaida (Milena Tscharntke, 28), jener Klimaakivistin, who takes Benno for Claras Geliebte …

"Tatort: ​​​​Borowski and his new More": Borowski (Axel Milberg) versucht, by Klimaakivistin Leonie (Johanna Götting) den Ge

“Tatort: ​​​​Borowski en das ewige Meer”: Borowski (Axel Milberg) verse, by Klimaakivistin Leonie (Johanna Götting) with the Geschehnissen op de Spur zu kommen.

© NDR/Thorsten Jander

Einschalten or nicht?

Einschalten itself! The previous Borowski-Krimi started with poetic images in an unwirtlich era in the Baltic Sea. A powerful representation of the film for you to watch. “Kurz voor Drehbeginn war een Sturmflut in Kiel und Hamburg. Dabei wurde cherstört. The Kameramann (Robert von Münchhofen. Ed.) hat sich on den Weg macht, um overle finstruksvolle Naturimpressionen zur sammeln”, erklärt Director Katharina Bischof, 39, zur Entstehung der Kijk, the things you can do, are mälde. “The Climakrise is the existential catastrophe that no longer exists, but other Krisen legends are permanently damned,” says Bischof Hinzu. We look at the film team that keeps an eye on nature. This natural image sees “die stumme Klammer des Filmes”.

Before Kulisse sees the Zuschaue: ride with the Ermittler team in the world of the young Climateivists, who are even more repressed, aber also not serious and experience the police as Gegner: “She is still, who appears from our demos, our anzeigen , Schmerzgriffe und der ganze Scheiß”, with Leonie Mewes (Johanna Götting, born 2003) die Verzweiflung in Crimea. There are perhaps a number of strange figures in the film and that is not the result: “The climate is strong for young women. Greta Thunberg and Luisa Neubauer etwa. Aber auch auf Influencer-Seite. Insofern ist unsere besetzung zwangsläufig”, said Drehbuchautor Rudi Gaul, 42, sender.

The fact is that online friends have relatively little luck in the small teens and young adults who suffice – even if we get hints on the profile names. Our high-quality technical knowledge does not play an important role in nature – both powers, the people who continue to shine on the Griff for a long time – in that criticism. “If we see it this way. It is true that nature, the technology party in his Griff life. In this overview, the film is a near-future thriller,” Gaul explains.

A bigger twist

Ohne zu fell verraten zu wollen: Ab der Halfte des Krimis gibt is an exciting and consistent new twist. Ob Boomer Borowski has made the perfect “perfect kill” calls in all entry situations, which of course could change. In the light of the history, in the “Climate fear of the Spitze getrieben” and “in a Utopie ended” (Milena Tscharntke), aber after your fall zum Nachdenken an.
