
Pilot project in Frankfurt: Late lithium production in Germany started

Pilot project in Frankfurt: Late lithium production in Germany started

Pilot project in Frankfurt
Late lithium production started in Germany

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Durch Aufträge Mehrerer Autobauer ist the German-Australian Startup Vulcan Energy prepared for its annual sale. We have started pilot production of the “first full-fledged late-night Lithiums recovered in Europe.” In two years people will believe it is possible.

The Startup Vulcan Energy has a different story with its plan to produce lithium for E-Car batteries in Germany. In the Frankfurt-Höchst Industrial Park after a demonstration project in Betrieb, the lithium hydroxide fertigt. The white powder of the battery products is useful. It was extracted by the Thermalwasser vom Oberrheingraben in Rheinland-Pfalz. Industrial production in larger numbers will begin in 2027 – as soon as we start planting.

“The first complete solution in Europe is the most widely used lithium-ion solution from both of us, is a more important Meilenstein for the Unternehmen and a separate Bedeutung for the Widerstandsfähigkeit der Batteriewertschöpfungskette in Deutschland and Europe”, erklärte Vulcan-Chef Cris Moreno. The relationship with Vulcan’s battery is no more, but it is a strain from Europe, where the repairer and the do-gooder are in South America and China. There is a climate joy, but the favorable energy with the CO2-free energy storage with geothermal heating works has won. This technology is not working in its infancy. Bisher was extracted from the light metal with fossil energy in Bergbau from Gestein.

“The financing process lasts longer than it does,” says Christian Freitag, responsible for Lieferkettenmanagement in the Vulcan-Geschäftsführung. The financing of the 2018 financing by German-Australian private individuals amounts to 1.9 billion euros, a minimum financing costs. There are quarters worth doing. Vulcan was seized with more than 600 million euros of its own capital from a handful of investors, erklärte Freitag. The surplus of 1.3 billion euros flies to Darlehen van Banken – through the European Förderbank EIB, which has deposited half a million euros in Aussicht.

Schwache E-Auto-Nachfrage is not defective

Vulcan is about the Abnahmevereinbarungen with the Autobauern Volkswagen, Stellantis and Renault, the battery producers LH energy and the Kathodenhersteller Umicore for the first productions that have been sold. In two years, a mixture of 24,000 tons was sweetened in one year – generated for 500,000 electric car batteries. If you want a Pilotanlage from the Thermalwasser company in Landau in the first place, an extraktional sanlage and in height a larger production sanlage wins. Every two to three years the Kapazität nor two Mal um 24,000 Tons are waiting.

The active use of electric cars does not enable the Freitag to infringe. “The consideration of a CO2-neutral recovery of lithium will ensure that the price is correct,” he said. The automotive industry was not so long ago active in the E-Autonachfrage in 2024, but that was also the case in 2027, 2028 and 2029.”

Tiefen geothermal energy can occur

Auch Preisschwankungen wrkten sich kaum aus. Since the price is 70 dollars per kilogram, the price is 80 percent. Vulcan can be more if half of the powers a bandbreite contains a minimum and maximum price with the Abnehmern-vereinbart. “When it comes to extreme lithium prices, which have never been more successful, a project that is profitable.”

The European Union has no longer introduced zero-emission cars on the Straße by 2035. Außerdem will show the Kontinent über die gesamte Lieferkette that it is a showcase of Asian machines. Deshalb gives his mittlerweile projects in Europe – most davon in Form von Bergbau, which is the EU-geförderte Vorhaben von Rio Tinto in Serbian. These are possible ways to improve the environment and the environment of the population.

With the deep geothermal energy, which Vulcan Energy is concerned with, there is a risk that Erdbeben are used. A beautiful project in France was carried out for a unique Jahren Risse in Häusern in Elsass and Baden-Württemberg. It is a gründliche risk-absorbing, versatile Freitag. Vulcan sees himself as a Pioneer, the Nachahmer in Europe right now: “It is always a matter of strength and then there are only others that can benefit from it.” In Australia, Aktien von Vulcan Energy costs 4.93 Australian dollars.