
Reichspogromnacht: Am 9. November auf Spurensuche in Görlitz

Reichspogromnacht: Am 9. November auf Spurensuche in Görlitz

“I have been happy, all these people have been happy since?”, said Lauren Leiderman, when she returned to where they had started, following the young people’s lives in Görlitz.

All names: Jüdisches Leben in Görlitz

Before the US-Americans in the city years. Gemeinsam with his Mann Mark, a stelle as medicine antrat. There is a Jewish Glaubens, so the young woman will herself come from a Christian family in Louisiana, the filial community with the Jewish tradition, culture and Glauben, combined. When they started, the youthful history of the new Heimatstadt began to fade and the Stolperstein Initiative began to engage.

I’ve been fragmented, where have all the people been since?

Lauren Leiderman

Einladung zur Spurensuche: Rundgang on November 9, 2024

Online you go to the Namen-jüdischer Familien from Görlitz, a lake in your Schicksal in the NS-Zeit to the past. So get to know Judi Hannes-Mendelsohn, life in Florida. “Judi bat mich, auf dem jüdischen Friedhof eine Kerze anzuzünden am Grab der Hannes-Familie, die are active war in de Gemeinde.” I speak with my idea about the idea, weiter zu suchen nach Menschen judischen Glaubens, die haben my Wurzeln in Görlitz.”

On November 9, 2024, Lauren Leiderman führt Einheimische and tourists on the Spuren-jüdischen Lebens through the city, over the Neiße-Brücke road in the Polnian part after Zgorzelec in the Kociuszki-Straße, where Stolpersteine ​​​​and the Goldberg Family are inside. If the debts of Lauren Leiderman’s Schicksal power are one of the überraschenden Funds.

“Görlitz Connection” by Anne Frank entdeckt

Max Goldberg is a supporter of the Jewish Kaufhaus Totschek. During the Reichspogromnacht of November 9, 1938, there were celebrations and eight weeks’ festivities, and a lunatic came out of the Gefängnis zurück. Seine Frau Helene acts and organizes the flight. Gemeinsam with the 1929 born Tochter Eva lost die Family Anfang 1939 Görlitz, flees from the Nazis to Amsterdam and through England in the US.

Mit Vielen teile Deine Freuden … In Erinnerung und Deine Freundin Anne Frank

Anne Frank
from the Poesie Album by Eva Goldberg

With Hilfe from the Yad Vashem Institutes in Jerusalem, Lauren Leiderman took a photo of Tagen, who sees little Eva Goldberg together with other women, Susanne Ledermann and Anne Frank. Both of these families were happy with each other. The photo was taken at an Urlaub der Goldbergs 1936 in Amsterdam, where Schwestern von Evas Mutter had Helene. During our research at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, Lauren Leiderman finds a poem album by the new Eva Goldberg – with a letter from Anne Frank: “Mit Vielen teile Deine Freuden, Mit Allen Munterkeit und Scherz. Mit Wenigen nur Deine Leiden, Mit Auserwählten nur Dein Herz Freundin Anne Frank”.