
Stärke des Militars laut Experts aber weiterhin unzureichend

Stärke des Militars laut Experts aber weiterhin unzureichend

Europe has conducted a study on the analysis of the beginning of the Russian Angriffskriegs against Ukraine. The Verteidigungskapazitäten, which concerns the personal defense forces of the armed forces, will provide even more independence to the British International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in the Freitag.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has resulted in more attacks on European representations, which are included in the IISS study. It is clear that the Verteidigungssausgaben der europäischen Nato-Mitglieder im Jahr 2024 fast 50 Prozent höher as nor 2014, as Russia the Ukrainian Halbinsel Krim annektiert hatte. However, the strength of the forces in Europe “in all military states remains unchanged in terms of the presence of the United States”.

The Waffen Arsenal in Europe will become “political divisions informing the end of the Kalten Krieges and in the hard years of the war”. If the rest industry in Europe is being scrapped, the IISS message goes further.

Since 2022, production has taken place in its own production of air defense and artillery with deutliche Zugenommen. The Rustungsfirms respond to the Bedarf of Ukraine. So it is a good idea to process a production rate of 155 millimeter ammunition from the German Rüstungskonzerns Rheinmetall at a value of 700,000.

More Waffen und Munition, aber Mangle and Soldiers

Während the production of Waffen and Munition zunehme, you are in Europe a mangle and a military personal, erklärte IISS. The European Streitkräfte is “nach wie vor unterbesetzt”. There are many personal military interests of the states, which have not provided any support for the young generation, who volunteer to report.

The IISS study continues the investigation of Donald Trump in the American presidential elections. The rule of the judges in the White House has been lost, European Security can be turned upside down and the unterstützung for the Russian Ukraine has arisen.

Derzeit findet der Prager Verteidigungsgipfel des IISS statt. When politicians, poor people and other colleagues come together, there are many opportunities to increase the European interests of the debaters. (AFP)