
Flugbegleiterin verrät Hotel-Trick: Leen Sie immer een Schuh in den Safe

Flugbegleiterin verrät Hotel-Trick: Leen Sie immer een Schuh in den Safe

In the Hotelsafe you will feel safe. Auch Bargeld and Reisepässe are the best Urlauber dort auf. A Flugbegleiterin die nun verraten, dass man einen Schuh darin einsperren soll – nicht, weil dieser wertvoll ist, without a whole other Grund.

About a travel pass or money: view your trip in the hotel safe at your hotel. So a man can be sure, that won’t happen. Before Longfingern are dry – manchmal fellleicht it was zu sicher.

Due to travel delays, the last thing was to check for the Abreise again in the safe environment. Den Verlust notices that people are often first at Flughafen or Stunden.

  • I am video: Darum sollten Sie auf Reisen eine Tasse and the Hoteltür hangen

When Schuh-Trick is the best man in Hotelsafe

Damit man is not mistaken in Hotelsafe, he has forgotten a Flugbegleiterin a simple trick. And if there is a Schuh, the man in the Abreise tragedy will be in safety.

Stewardess Ty Opoku Adjei von der Fluggesellschaft British Airways on Portal Business insider which means: “If you are in the Urlaub-fahren, it is natural that your hotel security is stored in the hotel safe. My tipp is, one of the reasons that you make a personal trip, and that on your Heimreise-tragee wollen. “

“Sie was always the safe überprüfen”

If we know that the man is not worth losing the Hotelzimmer: “If you die, you will no longer see the Hotelzimmer, despite the Safe vorher überprüfen. Solange Sie nicht vergessen, wo Sie Ihren Schuh hinglegt haben, natural. ” When the man comes out of the safe haven, he falls to the world in August.

If you don’t know what to do, you should try the Schuh-Trick in the future. No one will be disappointed by the hotel room. Der Trick is genius, whatever you can do: So if we don’t have a Hotel guest at the Ankunft, Paar Schuhe at the Abreise is tragedy.

Make sure you feel safe at the Ankunft, so you can enjoy and spend a day in the Hotelsafe-leg. If you have any more questions: If the Schuh of the Aufenthaltes will cause tragedies and others in the Hotelsafe legendmus, it may be that the removals and the plan are brought through time.

Who is the Hotelsafe Wirklich?

With a special code, security in the hotel can be safe. Always check whether you can use the default codes “999999” or “000000”. There are security experts who are responsible for the security combinations.

If you are safe after viewing this information, you cannot wait any longer. It’s safe to see it’s safe. Des Weiteren sollte man versuchen, the Safe hochzuheben. If you no longer see it, you can find the safe solution and no longer be safe.