
10 Things I loved and 5 things I didn’t love

10 Things I loved and 5 things I didn’t love

I’m traveling in the Greek capital of Athens in October – it’s often a baby war.

Four long years of research into the original city history. When the Orte enters the Acropolis, look at other Sehenswürdigkeiten for my weniger. Welche Trips voor Ort is empfehle en wovon ich abrate, fasse ich here together.

shot of the Athens National Garden in bloom
shot of the Athens National Garden in bloom

Hannah Docter-Loeb

I would happily stay in the Athenian National Garden if I had a grünfläche like that. The park is very cost-free and a perfect spa course – or a jog, if not.

Der Ort mit seinen Teichen und Schildkröten is very fried. Wenige Tage nach meinem ersten Abstecher bin ich zurückgekommen, um im im treasures der Bäume zu lesen.

Hannah poses in front of the Acropolis in Athens
Hannah poses in front of the Acropolis in Athens

Hannah Docter-Loeb

This tourist attraction is a must-see for everything, the trip to Athens: the ancient Stadtfestung Acropolis.

If you can make the most of most cases, it’s worth putting the Temple Parthenon to the test. The last time we spent eight hours in time, we can find one of the best things we can do. The war that was Zeit and Mühe.

Schnell met ich de Menschenmassen – en es wurde heiß. A one-hour späteren was not that easy, and even if it were, it was not yet time to make a Nickerchen zu machen.

plate of food and a glass of wine at a table overlooking Mount Lycabettus
plate of food and a glass of wine at a table overlooking Mount Lycabettus

Hannah Docter-Loeb

There is no greater war between Andrang and Mount Lykabettus, which sits in the center of the city. This is the highest point in Athens. I thought I had a right to lose, a solar energy that came here from his mind – and all the shinies who had a good idea could develop. The people who maybe came up after the Australian war happened.

I was happy to be home and ordered a free meal with fresh salad, moussaka and white wine for around 15 euros.

shot of the Pan-Athene stadium in Athens
shot of the Pan-Athene stadium in Athens

Hannah Docter-Loeb

The Stadium itself is demolished – it will be in Jahre 600 BC. erbaut and is the only stadium in the world that is full of marble. If I make an appointment tomorrow morning at 7:30 am, go ahead and take a ride on the Bahn for a while.

It costs a few euros, but it must now be the study price that is worth the euro. Dieser Besuch was definitiv een meiner Highlights af der Reise.