
70 Years Schlosshotel Kronberg: Betten beziehen bei Victoria

70 Years Schlosshotel Kronberg: Betten beziehen bei Victoria

In the 1954 war, you came to the Odenwald, to the Dorf Beerfurth, “we came back to the Odenwald Lebkuchen”. So says Margarethe Schulze-Albermann, who took care of all Gretel debts for 70 years, in a session in the Foyer in the Wohnstifts. Continue with a ride in Kronberg. Das Ziel war das Schlosshotel is located above the Taunusstädtchen. A bus from the Bahnhof in the Tal nach oben zum Hotel gab es nicht. Gretel for a taxi.

If the war lasts 20 years, it still won’t be long before he can win a little. Die Lehre als Hauswirtschafterin op een Gutshof in Odenwald. Den Abschluss als Hotelfachfrau in Traditionshotel Zur Traube in Darmstadt. Berufserfahrung als Saaltochter, also called Serviererin, in Bad Mergentheim an der Tauber. And the Sisters’ story for a couple like Zimmermädchen in the new Schlosshotel, that is in the Mauern des Witwensitzes von Victoria Kaiserin Friedrich eröffnen sollte. Gretel hates an Anzeige in de Hotelfachzeitung beworben. Compressed air must not be in the Taunus. The Arbeitsplatz is intended for the first time, when the service is anthracite.

The war in 2022 and Viktor Pahlke, who was 16 years old, wanted after life in the luxury hotel industry. So go to a bench in the entrance hall of the Schlosshotels. Pahlke, now 19 years old, became an Auszubildender zum Hotelfachmann in the Fünfsternehaus of the Unternehmensgruppe Prinz von Hessen, also in the Erben Victorias – 70 years after Gretel Schulze who visited Betten for the first guest. If Viktor lived in Erlangen at the Eltern, Wo der Vater as Koch in a restaurant, Praktika is powerful in Grandhotels am Tegernsee, in Baden-Baden and Österreich. Das Kronberger Schlosshotel schaute is a trap. “Here it has completely captured me.”

Living in Schlossturm

When Gretel visits the taxi company and goes through the park, it is wonderful to love in stylistic English country houses. Sogar a Golfplatz gab es. “I don’t know how to wear it,” said the 90-year-old woman in Kronberger Altkönigstift. Witte, voliges Haar is a bovine brand, their blazer and fabric shoes are black and white sneakers. “The man in his beautiful interior works hard – and then in a living room.”

Look gratefully at the time: Margarethe Schulze-Albermann is in a living place.
Look gratefully at the time: Margarethe Schulze-Albermann is in a living place.Jasper Hill

The Turmzimmer T6 is intended by two Kolleginnen, and jedem Fenster is on a bet. In the senior home, Schulze-Albermann photographs on the Tisch aus. Eins said three women with their hair. Jede Woche will be a fresh Zimmerman. The Schürzen buy sie bst. Darunter has to do this was Dunkle’s tragedy.

With the Zeigefinger you tap Manja, the test. “Sie war schon Mitte 40, Anfang 50.” Dann Else. “Die kam aus der GDR.” Hinter the other two are themselves: Margarethe. Konzentriert schaut si en earnest, wie de meste tijd en diesem Tag im Stift. “I was the youngest of all.”

A pastry chef displayed the images. “There is a war for people who are dependent on their work.” However, this is a small concern. „We have to work hard and work hard.“ Ungefähr 60 Deutsche Mark has his im Monat-bekommen, dazu Kost und Wohnung. Aber Stolz, Schulze-Albermann said, said he had been away.

The Kaiser Apartment in Taunus

Viktor Pahlke, der Azubi, is not one of the three, is one of the 40. So perhaps the house Hessen in the Schlosshotel was seized, in the direction of 80 Angestellte Arbeiten. Pahlke is involved with Lehrjahr. Zum blue Anzug with Einstecktuch trägt is white shirt and leather shoes. That is since we own Sachen. Setzt das Hotel in Empfang, in the restaurant or as page one, sees the jewels for personal clothing.

The young Mann may have the starter with the high Wänden, dem Kamin, dem Wandteppich a Seeschlacht. Die Gespräche mit den Stammgästen, “when Frau Müller-Meier sits in the Halle”. Gerade trinkt one of the Tische a Frau Tee. Ein Mädchen löffelt een Patisserie-Törtchen.

The Zimmermädchen Manja and Else were sister for the 16 Räume der zweiten Etage, Gretel for the sieben Zimmer des first Stocks. One night was the Kaiser apartment. Dort logierte einst Wilhelm II., der Sohn Victorias und de 99-Tage-Kaisers Friedrich III. After Tod had left the Kaiserin with his men, the British King Victoria, the castle went to the Wünschen Bauen-lassen. The War of 1893 is fruitful. Schulze-Albermann said: “If Kaiserbett thinks so – whoever has to do the cross-country skiing often, he should wear the Laken-gespannt.” Oder the Tagesdecke from Brokat is ausgebreitet.

Nach staub was worn with white hands

Heute hat das Haus gut 60 Gästezimmer. Viktor Pahlke moved into a Davon. If Gretel’s Kolleginnen Manja and Else were sisterly, it is no different. For a few years, an inner architect has had the most time. Jetzt sees a Blumenttapete de Wände, and the Stirnseite rahmt a Vorhang das Bett. If you make a trip, it will be personal at Zimmercheck during the Raum-arbeitet, before your new guest visits.

Is das Klingelschild political? Is it light in the Schrank, the tablet? Hängen die Bügel zwei Finger breit auseinander? Is it a safe leather? Have you used up Shampoo, Conditioner and Körpermilch? Nach staub was worn with white hands.

Meist hat der Auszubildende aber other Aufgaben. There we get to know all Abteilungen. Food and drinks, also Essen and Getränke. The Service. Pahlke ended up at Page, poliert Gästeschuhe, with the Bell Boys and the Tür. Der Job der Zimmermädchen heißt heute Housekeeping.

I have the Spaß power of the young Mann, in the team of the host family employer it was the employer. A reservation in a dedicated restaurant in the old town can be made even “extra special for the guest”. Special Wünsche zu know. When Jasmintee is used, the orange blossom or the warmed up Zitrone is no longer used. Pahlke learns Spanish and Französian because of international customers.

“Unser Reichtum ist der Anstand”

Schulze-Albermann guarded the Betten Valer Reicher and Prominenter forces. Schließlich war sie für das Kaiserappartement zeständig. If you are staying at the Schlosshotel: Adenauer, Rockefeller, Brigitte Bardot, Elinor von Opel and Sohn Gunter Sachs. These Zimmermädchen must “knock completely and thoroughly”. Daraufhin hätten „the Herrschaften aufgemacht – otherwise not reported”.

First of all, it is clear that I am neither Gretel nor Craftsman. „The American has the Schloss böse zugerichtet.“ The Besatzungsmacht has Friedrichshof, who is Victoria, genannt hatte, vom Haus Hessen beschlagnahmt and a Club voor Offiziere eingerichtet. The 1953 war began and the imperial wars continued in a hotel for walking.

The other woman is an answer, it is a matter of “die wonderful Möbeln” spürt habe, “der Élégance”. If you don’t have Eleganz, and if you made a very orderly mistake, it becomes formidable. If you are in the dialect, you can speak out about the Großvater in the Odenwald. „Wir sind keine reichen Leute. Our Reichtum is the Anstand, the Ehrlichkeit, der Fleiß, the Zuverlässigkeit and the Würdigung other.’ Wer zogen sei, vergesse das nicht.

The Zimmermädchen are in the Keller, not in the Lagerräumen. The personal services come from the hotel kitchen. The Canteen is open or closed. Auch Viktor Pahlke sat manchmal in the little Raum with the fluffed Schachbrettboden, in his Gretel for 70 years the Mahlzeiten einnahm. There would be a personal house in a Kronberger Stadt, where most of the Azubis are. Gemeinsam explore sie Restaurants, visit sich auch other Hotels an. If a man is working in the hotel industry, it is a fact that he has been robbed in his spare time.

Vom Zimmermädchen zur Hausdame

Gretel, Manja and Else spend their time at home with care in the summer. If so, the Spätdiensten are a bit in the Spülküche. These women lived together for a long time. But at that time it is in Gretel’s Life: Sie wurde schwanger. 1956 kam ihr Kind zur Welt. Ulrike. “Der Vater meiner Tochter war in Schloss im Service.” Später habe beitet er in Paris. A right pair is not wise. “If someone robbed one like that, it’s not like a family has developed.”

Gretel wakes with the Säugling in the Kronberger Altstadt. A man who goes to the hotel and stays four times in Pferdstraße. Zum Frühdienst, zu Abendveranstaltungen. “Man must nach wie for work, es gab keinen Mutterschaftsurlaub.” The Vermieter family is about the Child auf. Schulze-Albermann’s Tochter ist for a weile died, Ulrikes Vater aber lebt noch am Bodensee. Manchmal telephoniert Schulze-Albermann mit ihm.

After a few years as Zimmermädchen, Gretel is ready. If Hausdame war applies to both the Magazinverwaltung and the Vorräte. „I was happy with my food, I was prepared to eat.“ After a few years we moved to the Hessische Hof after Frankfurt. Der hatte 1952 was two years ago in front of the Schlosshotel. Inzwischen had sold the Unternehmensgruppe Prinz von Hessen das Frankfurter Haus.

Damalswar in both hotels ein Ehepaar names Bertram Pächter. “A very good hotel family is always strong,” says Schulze-Albermann. If the wife of a Straßenbahn is destroyed and lost, they must both be brought to Frankfurt. Fortan also tells the young murmur of one of the Kronberger Wohnung and his Tochter, one of the Zug nach Frankfurt in the future. After having visited the hotel industry in the back years ago – and want to visit another industry. From 1966 in Banken.

A hotel with a modern stage

Inherited hat Margarethe Schulze first spät. Ferdinand Albermann decided to go to the time he saw in the Schlosshotel. Aber damals were bloß Kollegen. Yes, you can travel more than anyone else. It is possible if you are sitting in the bank, now that the war has started. Nach der Rente zog das Ehepaar zurück in Margarethes Heimat, den Odenwald. You have power with the landfrauen. 2010 sterb ihr Mann. You can spend a few years in Kronberg. I am Stift strictt sie fell.

Nor did Schulze-Albermann look at the Hotel in the past years. One offiziell, that is, Viktor Pahlke knows the knowledge. A simple incognito, with the Schwiegersohn and the Enkeln. Your hat in the Halle Kaffee is drunk. “Mir fell Zeit gelassen.”

If Pahlke divorced after a few years, see more or more. There may be, that is Haus voler Antiquitäten und Kunstkein Museum ist. Especially that people live there. If you like, say that the Schlosshotel is a Bühne. Jeden Tag became another Stück spielt.