
“I find that our generation is interested”

“I find that our generation is interested”

Frau Jasmut, is the German Youth zu faul zum Gründen?

Your mistake would be wrong. Aber es gibt zwei Extreme: Die einen have a right bock and see through. The others started 30 years ago, but the start-up is not ready yet.

As the baby boomer grows older, will the youth be more focused, lying and also cheating?

The Boomer come from all other perspectives. They are members of the generation of Eltern or Armut erlebt. Of course, with that background you can look at the world differently as fun in my alternative. If all goes well, then the Boomer würde es guttun, sich fragen, worauf si im Beruf wirklich Lust haben. I know we came out of this generation, it takes longer – and more in therapy – with a self-created experience.