
Harry Potter: The Kryptonite of the Basilisks – that is the Schwäche der Riesenschlange

Harry Potter: The Kryptonite of the Basilisks – that is the Schwäche der Riesenschlange


When is the Basilica of “Harry Potter” a Schwäche, while it would be under siege? This is a lot of fun, it’s a laugh.

Harry Potter and the Kammer des Schreckens: Der Basilisk

Harry Potter en de Kammer des Schreckens: Der Basilisk (Quelle: Warner Bros. / Screenshot: Netzwelt)

Wöchentlich bis Weihnachten: That “Harry Potter” movie will be broadcast in Free-TV zurück! I started with the Ausstrahlung aller Teile. Here you will find all the signals from “Harry Potter” -Reihe!

In “Harry Potter und die Kammer des Schreckens” Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) has a Basilisk bekämpfen. If the High Basilica is armored and attacked in no time, Harry cannot even besiege the mighty Schlange with a Zauber. First with the Hilfe des Schwerts von Gryffindor is ihm.

It’s a bit of a way to have Harry go to the Basilica in Vorfeld. So the magical Kreatur is so great, you have a Schwäche, so who is Superman with the Kryptonit hat…

Der Schrei eines Hahns totet Basilisken

Harry Potter and the Kammer des Schreckens: In der Extended Edition Hagrid is with one of the things he sees.

Harry Potter and the Kammer des Schreckens: In der Extended Edition Hagrid is with one of the things he sees. (Quelle: Warner Bros. / Screenshot: Netzwelt)

Absurd things may happen, but the mighty Basilisk has a nahezu laughhafte Schwäche: Der Schrei eines Hahns. A Hahnschrei is one of the ingredients that is a Basilisk, which stirs for as short a time as possible. It is one of the Grund, where Ginny is under the control of Tom Riddle Hagrid’s head in “Harry Potter and the Room of the Schreckens”.

These films are now in bookstores and are works from the films. Schauspielerin Bonnie Wright will take the next step. You can find a book in one of the Extended Editions, in the Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane) with a toten Hahn in the hand of Dumbledore (Richard Harris) Büro kommt and trifft on Harry.


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Derzeit the “Harry Potter” film was shown on Free-TV on Saturday, August 1. We will love all the memories of “Harry Potter”-Reihe! Watch the film in the stream at RTL+ in the Abo-schauen.

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