
Craftsman (48) wears a “year-old kitchen work plate” hat

Craftsman (48) wears a “year-old kitchen work plate” hat

Marek Marzec from Poland has achieved a huge increase in air quality, which has been sucked like Schneiden von kitchenplatten. Nun will seinen ehemaligen Arbeitgeber verklagen.

The family father Marek Marzec is 48 years old in Sterben. Debt is a serious job: Due to the long-term carelessness of kitchen work surfaces, it leads to severe lung disease. Laut “New York Post” was distributed by the Polish pole in the Steinfabriken in London and Hertfordshire.

Craftsman (48) has never lived a few weeks

I am working on the diagnosis of silikosis in April. This air quality continues through the quartz cycle and changes quickly. If there is a war, a lung transplant will not take longer, but it will not take longer for you to be able to tolerate it.

This is a “schreckliche Schmerzen”: “I am willing to work, because I have to work under conditions,” said Marzec of the “New York Post”.

Was this the Lugenkrankheit Silikose?

  • Silikosis is a serious lung cancer, which is also considered “Staublunge”.
  • When you take a quarter turn out of the oven, you can start working on it
  • If you make a flight of a lunge movement, you can perform the lunge movement and vernarbt
  • As Gewerbekrankheit der Bergleute reicht die Geschichte der Staublunge bis ins Altertum zurück
  • Since 2009, the disease has been on the path of the sufferers Nachfrage nach Küchenarbeitsplatten aus künstlich regestelltem Quarzstein vermehrt in Steinmetzbetrieben auf

Lawyers prevent Todesfälle by Staublunge

Deshalb geht Marek nun richtlich gegen seinen ehemaligen Arbeitgeber vor. There would be talk of the Kanzlei Leigh Day proceedings. This disapproval can no longer represent a serious form of discrimination and breakthrough, the working conditions for Steinmetze must be urgently improved.

“If you are as happy as possible, we will continue to have more success with the work you do – and with the best possible results – you can continue to experience life, but you will not be able to cope with the consequences of your work with art without any negative consequences.” erklärte die Kanzlei laut “New York Post”.

Anstieg an Silikose-Erkrankungen at Handwerkern

The fall of silicosis among young artisans, the kitchen plats coming together, has been doped in Britain. Laut “The I Paper” is because all migrants have been affected, who have reached an enormous extent of the Sicherheitsmaßnahmen.

Since 16 years since 16 workers with unheilbaren lung disease, diagnostics are carried out. Dr. Johanna Feary of the Royal Brompton Hospital in London wrote: “We are very happy with people who bear the burden of art and silica.”