
Hesse: War of Jewish Jugendlichen das Gedachten of the Reichspogromnacht is so important

Hesse: War of Jewish Jugendlichen das Gedachten of the Reichspogromnacht is so important

Status: 10.11.2024 21:03 Uhr

That night of November 9 to 10, 1938, war in the German Reich by more brutal Gewalt gegen Jüdinnen and Juden geprägt – auch in Hesse. Three young schoolchildren and schoolchildren, who will roll their memories for you and who will be happy – 86 years ago.

Von Mia von Hirsch and Kim Horbach

In Ganz Deutschland erinnern Städte und jüdische Gemeinden en diesem Wochenende und de Reichspogrome 1938. Auch in Hessen found a num ber Gedenkveranstaltungen statt – zum Beispiel in Frankfurt, Kassel, Fulda, Hanau or Marburg.

Does the young generation of Jews and Jews know the date and who has known real anti-Semitism? We are affected by three students and students in the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt.

Elisabeth (18 years): “Der Hass ist wieder da”

Elisabeth is completely Jewish now. Trotzdem does not go further than Davidstern.

“An diesem Tag, dem 9. November, ist das Unakzeptable zum Akzeptablen become. The wurde a Schwelle von Hass überschRITen, plötzlich were oke, physisch das jüdische Leben kaputt zu machen. Es gibt Ereignisse, die in Erinnerung bleiben müssen. Für mich It’s a matter of thinking and it’s a matter of thinking because everything is only a matter of time.

Judisch zu sein bedeutet mir fell: I am connected with my own culture, my family, my school. It is of course religion, but also art, that lives the human being and lives with the human being. If you think you are – it is so often a stereotype and so often that Hass is given, the eigentlich that Hass deserves is for my most frustrating.

If there are online hassnachrichten, in the sense that Jews are not human, then Jewish Terrorists are true. If I found most of the social media and dem, my passion was on October 7 of the years of passing: I was telephoning with my Uncle in Israel under the wittiest words in the Tag in the bunker, we will be bombed. My family finds her constant strength and my great care for her.

Anti-Semitism is generally present here. With my Tern of David it was not that it was bad, but it is a matter of humanity, which were reconciled, and it was only one thing – one of my Glaubens. This fear, the man is active, wer man ist – he is more and more.

Not who is the jetzt! The man thought it was brutal on November 9, 1938 and that it was not possible. After all, that is still possible: You can attack synagogues and Jewish communities, Markerungen with Davidsternen and Hakenkreuzen. If you tighten up a little, if the Zweite Weltkrieg is so abstract, it is not so abstract. Here you will find a recreation of the best condition. Der Hass, er is wieder da – under er ist zu spüren.”

Noam (18 years): “Wir müssen dagegen halten”

Noam tries Jews Tag seine Kippa and Schmuck with Jewish symbols.

“When I think of the pogrome, the first thing I see is the image of the Börneplatz Synagogue in Frankfurt: I die in flames. People were lost, destroyed and destroyed, the holy Torah was destroyed and destroyed. That is sad and sad. served an Art Trauer.

It is for my great monarch that it could be one of the greatest passions. After the extreme right-wing struggle and anti-Semitism have started, there are left active – for all years on October 7. October has been a year – it has been a bad thing for me that it was so that passion and that of a few days perhaps were sad.

Leader spoke about anti-Semitism in my life, a heavy role and a whole role. Since my childhood is the policy of the Jewish Institution, it is my whole – since it is Kindergarten, Synagogue, School, Altenheim. If the money is a Gefühl of Sicherheit, it can also be a Gefühl of Unwohlsein. Is this so? That is true, although anti-Semitic people are not wollen, that is the Jewish life in Germany. Days I stop one, I compensate if I’m offended if Jude lives. The tragedy of my Kippa jeden Tag – a dramatic tragedy that is often a Kappi-drüber, from Sicherheitsgründen.

Had anything changed in itself? There is more attention, communication about the different groups, the image and the debts of the debts – no more than national socialism, is under the judentum heute. We should not hesitate to respond to anti-Semitism in the community, without even being concerned about mobbing and anti-social behavior.”

Lily (17 years): “Viele wollen auf die jüdische Schule wechseln”

Lily finds, that is more photos and clarification about jüdisches Leben heute braucht.

“Of course, the pogrom for 86 years has long been damals passionrt ist – damit is no nochmal passionrt.

When there is new knowledge and there is a legal guilt, it often happens that you say: ‘So it’s not Jewish! I didn’t think so, that’s your Jewish life!’ These other stereotypes have never fallen into the Köpfen.

Anti-Semitism is known by small children. After the war started, anti-Semitism became more prevalent in the Gesellschaft vor. If the pro-Palestinian demos take their stand, the Jewish leader will work with Israel and Zionism.

By October 7, 2023, it is likely that the legal debtor will not have any legal debt and that the legal rights in the class will be obtained. Weil sie mit dem Nahost-Konflikt in Verbindung were brought. Falling woolen on my Jewish School wechseln, there are no Wartelists on the way. When you are working normally, the temperature is no longer as good and certain.

In an ideal world I would be able to see in my life that – even though religion man hat and equally zu welcher Gruppe man heard – man accepts and tolerates the society, without being separated from it and without the man itself bekämpft.’