
Fierce, peppy, completely on trend

  1. come on.the
  2. Lennetal
  3. Plettenberg

The Feuershow in the Innenstadt is taught by the children's ganz. There are special elements and effects that draw attention to art during artistic life.
The Feuershow in the Innenstadt is taught by the children’s ganz. There are special elements and effects that draw attention to art during artistic life. © Laura Goulas

A special shopping destination is a holiday in the Plettenberger Innenstadt, where a city in the Dunkelheit the Fußgängerzone was shrouded in gemütliches Licht.

Plettenberg – If the son goes out at 5 p.m., the shock waves can be activated by the teilnehmenden geschäften. If you maintain a with your knowledge of small branded items, find a free drink or soft drink in a better atmosphere.

Lena and Christopher Bindler are fans of an event that is a Veranstaltung, which goes on all the time. “It is a bisschen that is in the Advent season, but is not a single Christmas song now,” said Lena Bindler with an Augenzwinkern.

Music goes further than the next, when the Dixie band “Bäng Bäng” from Wipperfürth expanded into hand-drawn guitar music. With my Live Music it was not the first Mal in Plettenberg with Guest and one of the Bezouchers who can enjoy the music of Thomas Wurth, Trompeter and Singer of the Group. “We will live with Jungs first 2019 in Lüdenscheid and find our class. Tol, dass Plettenberg will continue with all this,” fanden Marie and Dieter Hohman.

The dixie band
The Dixie band “Bäng Bäng” from Wipperfürth and its Darbietungen stood out. © Laura Goulas

A highlight of the Candlelight Shopping was the same 16 Food Trucks. There is a problem with the disinterested horrors of war. Whether Indian, French or non-major civil war – for your Geschmack War it was. Daniel Ochtendung war bereits zum vierten Mal dabei, diesmal with two Food trucks. Knowing those girls became Plettenberger seine Burger; new truck war with “Loaded Fries” – a Pommes dish with unprocessed ingredients and toppings. “Richtig lecker und total im Trend”, war die Meinung von Frederik Schneider.

I am a Trend who lies about the Greek Souvlaki-Spieße of Niko Derdelis, while the Wartesschlange for his Stand wurde nicht kürzer. “In every restaurant I have a nice Souvlaki experience like here,” says Jan Nowak.

An atmosphere, most of these questions are: Unter dem Stephansdachstuhl wurde in gemütlicher Runde speist en gefachsimpelt.
An atmosphere, most of these questions are: Unter dem Stephansdachstuhl wurde in gemütlicher Runde speist en gefachsimpelt. © Laura Goulas

One of them believes that spectacle war, the Feuershow, the many attacks on Stehenbleiben and Zuschauen were in vogue. With a combination of effects and artistic influences on the art in the “heißes” Können, the Zuschauer – equally with large or small – is finished, the show hatte was Faszinierendes in itself. “It’s cool and if it’s bigger, it can be better to win,” says Matheo.

Were a real schnäppchen machen wolllte, kam a gang in de stadbücherei nicht here. If you make a different type of purchase, you cannot pay with a price, but with another analogous Waage, which is debited after the kilo journey.