
That’s why you have to pay more attention

That’s why you have to pay more attention

Frankfurt (Reuters) – Der Dax has started installing the Kursentwicklung and the Terminmarken that start higher. Trade fears following Donald Trump’s US administration have reached 0.8 percent at $19,215. On the roads of the Berliner Ampel-Koalition, experts have to adapt to an indefinite period. In the US, the S&P 500 freitag has started marking the 6000 points written. The Dow Jones Index is based on the 44,000 market.

Zum Wochenstart look at the Anleger in Deutschland for the further Entwicklungen in der Politik. Federal Wahl Leader Ruth Brand has contributed to the Kanzler organization Olaf Scholz (SPD) with the Landeswahlleiter next time. Brand hatte am Freitag aus den Gründen voor een überstürzten Wahl gewarnt.

At the Unternehmen-veröffentlicht of the German Lebensmittel-Lieferdienst Delivery Hero den Prospekt für de milliardenschweren Börsengang seiner Nahost-Tochter Talabat. Start at the Nachmittag in Hamburg with the four Round of Tariff Verhandlungen in the Metal and Electrical Industry.

Schlusskurse europäischer stand

Aktien-Indizes and

-Futures are Freitag

Dax 19,215.48

EuroStoxx50 4,802.76

EuroStoxx50-Future 4,811.00


Schlusskurse der Stand Veränderung in

US-Indians am Freitag Prozent

Dow Jones 43,988.99 +0.6%

Nasdaq 19,286.78 +0.1%

S&P 500 5,995.54 +0.4%


Asian Indians are on the course at 7:00 am Change in

Montag Uhr Prozent

Nikkei 39,481.04 -0.0%

Shanghai 3,454.82 +0.1%

Hang Seng 20,338.35 -1.9%

(Message from Anika Ross and Zuzanna Szymanska. Bei Rückfragen zenden Sie sich an unsere Redaktion unter [email protected] (for Politik and Konjunktur) or [email protected] (for Unternehmen and Markte).)