
New details from Tod: Liam Payne’s Rolex is on sale – Hotel Reviews

New details from Tod: Liam Payne’s Rolex is on sale – Hotel Reviews

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New details for TodLiam Payne’s Rolex is on sale – Hotel reviews are available

I am a member of Liam Paynes’ Ermittlungen, like the Argentinian police and the musicians’ designers. There are many Rolex watches that have never been found.

Katrin Ofner

Katrin Ofner

The Ermittlungen in Todesfall by Liam Payne are still going on for a while. Der Musiker stürzte Mitte Oktober in Buenos Aires von seinem Hotelbalkon drei Stockwerke in die Tiefe. Laut der Argentinian Zeitung La Nacion Police are still not moving Rolex watches from One-Direction-Stars.

Most of the time we spent paying 36,000 euros can no longer be enjoyed – with the undermining of Leichnam, the Schmuckstück has disappeared.


“We are in the Zimmer in the Hotel Casa Sur, in our living room, after all, we can not find them”, the Beamten gegenüber der Zeitung explains. And if you say: «Die Uhr wurde in de Wohnungen der drei Personen gesucht, gegen the ways of the Suspects ermittelt wird, Liam im Stich gelassen en Drogen geliefert en vermittelt zu haben, anyway in the Wohnungen of both Begleiterinnen, die am Nachmittag seines Todes bei ihm in seinem Zimmer were». Bisher was unable to finance the Rolex. Mittlerweile soll eine weitere untersuchung stattfinden, een festzustellen, ob sich das teure Schmuckstück nicht but irgendwo in seinem Hotelzimmer befindet.

The Akten der Staatsanwaltschaft has appeared in the photos of the umbrella room and other photos, while Liam bought the Rolex on October 16 on October 16. “If we erase the images, Liam will die sooner than later,” says a Quelle from the Justice Ministry. La Nacion. “There is a hand gel, and it is worth going to the Sturz from the hotel balcony”.

There are many One-Direction singers waging war against the Ermittler who has no Suizid. A “conscious Handlung” by Liam is excluded, while the Drogenkonsums are not a fully Conscious Signal company, according to the Staatsanwaltschaft mit. Der 31-Jährige weg seines Zustands again gewusst, er was tat, nor de Folgen seines Handelns verstehen können.

Kurz nach Liams Todberichtete «Infobae» unter robbery auf de Polizei, in Blut des Sängers seien unter alles Spuren der Mischsubstanz Pink Cocaine befunden. If we took the time to use the drug in a drug, then in the 72 years we have used the drug against antidepressants, alcohol and cooking, Payne would never be able to use Pink Cocaine again. “Diese Schlussfolgerung wurde nach de vollständigen toxikologische Untersuchungen von Urin, Blut und Glaskörpern spirde”, so de Polizei in der Mitteilung.

Hotel reviews are focused on Schweigen zu Liams Tod

Whoever reports the «ABC World News» report can name a hotel one of three people who are in the spotlight of the interests of «persons of interest» and were «accused, the Drogen will be happy with their lives» , says the journalist David Muir from the sender of the robbery on Behördenangaben.

If you report it, you could find someone at fault. Waiter Brian Nahuel Paiz went to Argentinian TV before Liams Tod could enjoy his life with his Drogen. Jedoch did not “take care of Liam with Drogen or steal his money”. “First contact with my war on the Arbeitsplatz”, reported Guillermo Panizza at the age of 24 in conversation with the journalists. There is a match with the singer’s contact details and a very secret Instagram account with his communications.

Freund von Liam Payne was busy with Todesfolge-vorgewerfen

«Wir sahen uns später am Abend. It’s all normal. There is a hotel zimmer who says I did something, so the Kellner. And further: «There is a look at the songs that were intended to be recreated. If people want more, there is a Drogen-nehmen, aber the Wahrheit ist, if there is in the Restaurant, in the form of an Arbeitete, a Drogen Influss stands up and actually gar nichts gegessen hat.»

Neben de Hotelangestellten wurde auch a Freund des Musikers festivities and a Razzia in dessen Haus durchgeführt. There is a standard begleiter Paynes in Buenos Aires. I have the Staatsanwaltschaft so called Aussetzung mit Todesfolge vorgeworfen – was bedeutet, dass there Payne in a hilarious low in the stitch welded habe.

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