
Vereinsfusion: Wieder schwindet ein Club

Vereinsfusion: Wieder schwindet ein Club

Gummersbach – Zuletzt will be present at TV Rospetal nor Volleyball und Gymnastics, now with the Verein von der Bildfläche – They will find a new home on TV Strombach.

Since handball coach legend Kai Wandschneider is active at TV Rospetal, now the history of the Association is complete. Nor rund 40 Mitglieder hatte der Club jijetzt. Active play or volleyball, go to a Frauen-Turn-Gruppe. Make sure you can use part of the structure of your company, a fortress file of the Vereins that you want. Der Vorstand is one of the 1. Thomas hopes that he has played with the Wunsch a Fusion and the TV Strombach for a year. Both things can take more years and provide different benefits.

If there are legitimate fragments, this is the Zusammenschluss nun in trockenen Tüchern. Aus dem Vereinsregister wurde der TV Rospetal is active. Ulrich Pohl, 1. Vorsitzender of TV Strombach, sprach gegenüber Oberberg-Aktuell von sehr guten Gesprächen zwischen den Vereinsverantwortlichen. With the difference we were able to enjoy the sports venue in Gummersbach-Rospe on the TV Strombach überschrieben. It was a healthy bed, while TVS had the man with his ideas, was the man who could make such machines. “Das Grundstück is a game for a carefree children’s playground. That is a great opportunity,” said Pohl.