
S&P 500 Title Leggett Platt Action: So Verlust fell on an investment in Leggett Platt from 10 years ago

S&P 500 Title Leggett Platt Action: So Verlust fell on an investment in Leggett Platt from 10 years ago

Investors who invested in Leggett Platt-Aktien years ago were so pleased.

It has been 10 years since Trades from Leggett Platt-Aktie and the stock exchange on NYSE were paid out. Diesen Tag is available in paper for USD 41.30. If you invest 100 USD in the Leggett Platt Action for 10 years, this is now a purchase of 2,421 previous amounts. The contents of the Leggett Platt-Aktien were worth USD 29.37 on 08.11.2024, the Schlussstand was worth USD 12.13. Damit has reduced the value of the investments to 70.63 percent.

Leggett Platt has a market capitalization of 1.62 billion. USD.

Bitte beachten, dass in obenstehender Rechnung Aktiensplits en Dividendenzahlungen nicht berücksichtigt.


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