
Dressurkönig Jessica von Bredow-Werndl awaits Neustart with Pferd von Skandal-Konkurrentin

Dressurkönig Jessica von Bredow-Werndl awaits Neustart with Pferd von Skandal-Konkurrentin

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Dressurkönig awaits Neustart with Pferd von Skandal-Konkurrentin

No one in German Team War in Tokyo and Paris, so erolgreich wie Jessica von Bredow-Werndl. Jetzt hat die Reiterin a whole under Stute im Stall – das Pferd an ehemaligen Konkurrentin. Von Bredow-Werndl will examine the new Herausforderung nehmen.

After the end of the Dalera, Jessica von Bredow-Werndl was much older. With his new Pferd he will see the four-time Dressur Olympian in the Zeit-lassen. “If I have an idea, this is an indisputable problem with the next Pferd-braucht,” said von Bredow-Werndl, who has his Gold-Stute Dalera in the sporty Ruhestand hat. “I will always be aware of it during my lifetime.” Langfristig will see who he wants and how he can make the Neustart die Heim-WM 2026 in Blick. One of the things you can do with one of the most interesting interesting things is a pferd.

If you see a few women’s hats while studying in training, you can buy a georgt hat a few times. When the new Pferd became a long-term competitor, the three-time Olympian became Charlotte Dujardin. And the hat for a Skandal is organized for the Olympic Games. A video could be used, while the British dressage on the Pferd a schülerin mehrfach with a peitsche einschlägt.

“Wir sind alle fassungslos”

“Wir since all fassungslos,” commented eight-time Olympic gold winner Isabell Werth in the photo. The criticism received of the British team colleagues, its suspension is. “We were shocked and still in their own right,” said von Bredow-Werndl during a Medienrunde in Paris. Two of the Pferde, de Dujardin bis zum Erscheinen des shocking Videos ritt, haben inzwischischen den Stall gewechselt. Ihr EM-Pferd Imhotep was driven jetzt from the Österreicherin Diana Porsche. A Kismet is now at the Reitanlage Aubenhausen in the Rosenheim district with the Werndl family in Hause.

“The Züchter and Besitzer Peter Belshaw has found a new leader for this Pferd and is one of his sisters,” von Bredow-Werndl reported. “It is no longer possible for an active business with Kismet to have another opportunity to help other people, appearing a year later.” It is one of the best things we can expect: if you are four international people, you can still find young children with Dujardin four mal on the Platz.

Von Bredow-Werndl will take time. “We are looking forward to seeing you on the large stage in the summer or in the autumn or in the winter, so that you can see them,” says that it is with a look at the coming year. “That’s a good thing, and that’s a good thing, that’s a real chance to have a chance, both of the Weltmeisterschaft 2026 in Aachen will come soon.”

“Loch” nach den Spielen in Tokyo

“I am a genius, even higher, faster, even better,” he said 38 years later, who with two Doppel-Gold in Tokyo and in Paris had such a great war with no one in the German team. They will “live in the air, I will be able to enjoy the rest of the day with the next day’s arrival.” The Dressur-Künstlerin said: “Ich it is all possible to force, that is the moment when the nächsten Pferd in the Wettkampf a insteige, aber dieser Abstand for a few Monate tut mir gut.”

Long lasting is the swimming Mutter deshalb noch long nicht. “And it is not so, that is not more trainiere”, concreted that Reiterin, the more young Pferde auf große Prüfungen vorbereitet. If you like Bredow-Werndl, continue with the Sport-Rentner in Dalera. The recurrence has become less bitter and it was even worse. When Doppel-Gold’s war has “fallen into a Loch” in Tokyo, word gets out. “Jetzt nach Paris is besser auf mich aufgepasst, en dieses Loch ist zum Glück bisher nicht kommen, und I heb een davon aus, dass es nicht mehr kommt. Ich war wohl mental darauf vorbereitet, that es das prevents hat.”