
Nostalgic Neustart für Laughter and Schießgesellschaft

Nostalgic Neustart für Laughter and Schießgesellschaft

– ZerstRITen Gesellschafter und een Insolvenz im Jahr 2023: Hinter der Münchner Lach- und Schießgesellschaft lies een schwierige Zeit. But die soll nun Geschichte sein.

New start for a legendary stage: Munich has such laughter and science. Der Kabarett-Laden, for all times by Dieter Hildebrandt zum Kult Wurde, has become new with nostalgia. “The laughter and laughter are legendary and they last forever – bitte sehr,” sang Astrid Hofmann. “The cultural heritage of the Federal Republic of Germany is a must,” says Geschäftsführer Ulrich Spandau. And when someone perhaps thought, “political Kabarett, that was for crispy oldies”: “Wir müssen in dieser gesellschaftlichen Situation unsere Werte weiter auf die Bühne alles.”

“Verste Zusammenrottung” in altehrwürdigen Räumen

The new Münchner Oberbürgermeister Christian Ude, with the Förderverein der “Laden-Hüter” is aiming to make a fresh start after a “long lasting streak” and a “very long-term transition here in the surroundings”, the new Münchner Oberbürgermeister Christian Ude, with the “Förderverein der “Laden-Hüter” maßgeblich dazu beigetragen hat, dass der “Laden” completely newly released – including the naming rights for the stage.

The artistic leader of the Laughter and Craftsmanship, André Hartmann, considers you the “Maintenance” of the houses. Open the Bühne am Montag a einem – wie er sagt – “ganz besonderen Abend” a few minutes after 7.56 PM. One of the times when the program started when it started was in 1956 in the Eröffnungsjahr.

It is more like one of the years that the war for political power and the war in 2013 storbenen Dieter Hildebrandt verunden, after the real ARD-Kabarettsendung “Scheibenwischer” war had caused. With signals from the ride, you are guaranteed a full house. Kabarett’s war in Schwierigkeiten continues – with a bankruptcy and a bankruptcy in February 2023. Now the new start, there are many memories and the good times.

Soul vorgabe: political, socially critical, at a high level

Musical cabaretist Hartmann, on the stage as a creative performance artist, capable of performing at three Schwerpunkte: political, socially critical, at a high level. If the Erbe von Hildebrandt has a heruntergebrochen, it is worth a stop.

And so the Ensemble sings with Christl Sittenauer, Sebastian Fritz and Frank Klötgen by Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos, with Kapitalismus- und Klimakrisenignoranz-Kritik – aber ohne but now a Wort zu verschwenden and the US-Wahl of the spectacular youngest Entwicklung of the Federal Government. Freundlichen Applause is given by the generation and the Haus verbundenen Eröffnungspublikum, more fell not.

Auch Hildebrandts with Renate, who as a gift from a Karikatur in Mannes with Franz Josef Strauß mitbringt, is at the Eröffnung dabei – ebenso the Schauspieler Jutta Speidel, Gisela Schneeberger and Franz Xaver Kroetz and the Kessler-Zwillinge. “Die Legende lebt und Schwabing bebt”, how Hofmann was sung. So check to see if this prophecy ever happened, but it can’t be that the program in “Loading” hasn’t appeared yet in that month.

Stage chef André Hartmann asked his question at three points: political, socially critical, at a high level. (archive photo)

Stage chef André Hartmann asked his question at three points: political, socially critical, at a high level. (archive photo)
© Matthias Balk/dpa