
8.2 million euros stolen? Prozess gegen 32-Jährige starteret | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

8.2 million euros stolen? Prozess gegen 32-Jährige starteret | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Status: 12.11.2024 08:46 Uhr

Before the Landgericht Bremen started the trial, it started a heute 32 years. You will spend around 8.2 million euros in 2021 with a money transport company. I think it’s more of a penalty.

That woman, who is standing at the Unternehmen equipment, is the money with a rolling container that is transported to the Landgericht Bremen. The whole process has been accomplished by more people. It is not possible for anything to be traded. So if you do that, you can make more phone calls. The conversation involves a flow of air. After the Diebstahl, the Frau will whistle in the Türkei. The money is honored by the Landgericht by the different types of goods used in Turkish transport and transportation.

Bis zu zehn Jahre Haft für Millionenraub

In March 2024, the two children lived for 32 years. If a woman gives a woman a confidante, it’s been a year. It is a new stage of the operation, started one day in January. The results in June were completed for two years and eight months.


View of the lappan, the weather in the city of Oldenburg. © NDR Photo: Julius Matuschik

8 minutes

Was in the region of Ihrer, where it was in the Mitschnitt at 15:00 Uhr Regional-Nachrichten on NDR 1 Lower Saxony. 8 minutes

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Regional Oldenburg | 12.11.2024 | 7:30 am

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