
Faschingsauftakt in Murr: Bürgermeister-Absetzung läutet fünfte Jahreszeit ein

With the närrischen March on the Murrer Rathaus läuten the Carnevalsfreunde that fun Jahreszeit one and setzen Bürgermeister Torsten Bartzsch ab.

Cornelia Ohst

12.11.2024 – 4:24 PM

Walking in a small Schmetterling, the three inhalbjährige Mathilda walks on the Dorfplatz. While the hand of the fathers waited for his life, Schwester Luisa, who performed in the Kürze with the Sternschnuppen, the young Tänzerinnen at the Murrer Carnivalsfreunden, was soll. There is a friendly atmosphere in the Rathaus. The history of the story is a larger country: the carnival season begins anyway. It is so natural that the Tanzgarden der Carnevalsfreunde suffices to form the Rathaus.

Gegenüber the small Sternschnuppen in the Katzenkostümen images of the Roten Sternchen and the Roten Funkchen – the Garden is a changemäßig staggered – a Hingucker with its a very attractive Kostümen and Hüten. The old Gardemädchen, the Murrtalfunken, function and those Montag as Betreuerinnen. The electrician is with everyone from the chairman of Sarah Väth: “There was war, a war that first took place in the nasty Saison war.”

A small change

And in those years he said that it was a small change, which the president looked into the environment with a lighter look: “Heute mussen we will respond to the Rathausschlüssel.” But for the fact that the women of the United Kingdom are the same, there is little problem, but there is no problem. Väth started the zahlreich Erschienenen, who collaborated with the Karnevalsgruppen with the Neckartalhexen, the 1. Fasnetsverein Steinheim, the Murrer Karneval-Verein or the Bottwartaler Schlehenbeutel and thus the Jugendfeuerwehr aus Murr.

Ab jetzt ticken die Uhren in Murr wieder else. Photo: Werner Kuhnle

The Floriansjünger is one of the best options in the Startschuss of the next Saison web. “Wir haben das Jubiläums-Thema der Jugendfeuerwehr für unseren Jahresorden aufgegriffen”, so Väth, die in de Würdigung den im Summer verstorbenen Feuerwehr-Kommandanten Marcus Leibbrandt, “der auch Mitglied in unserem Verein war”, with a final consideration. If you take charge of dealing with the preschool. A schließlich war is like this: begleitet vom lauten Klang een Sirene wurde der nardische Startschuss gegeben. And the longer it goes on, the more the mayor becomes. If it’s been a long time, if you were bitten by Rufen a while ago, before the Balcony of the Rathauses has appeared. But even after Väth’s energetic Ruf: “Come here, you will be a Bürgermeister abgesetzt, with your wollen or not”, with the joyful laughter of Torsten Bartzsch, without a “rosary Panther” – accompanied by the title melody of the 1963 and Kriminalkomödie .

“We have found out everything here”

Under the new citizen, Panther, while in the song, will fall and take the next step. A report, compiled for all employees in the Rathaus, which is sold by the mayor, is in favor of the jubilant decisions with the symbolic Schlüssel erscheint. “When all this is investigated, we will have a good plan, the Tag and who is it is“, the fault of the host family and the idea of ​​a “mal den spät um“. There ließ Sarah Väth raten, was with the hours auf sich habe, the Rathaus-Mitarbeitenden creative gestaltet hatten. You can have a bite to eat at a various party or a party in the year. If you are in a schlagfertiger Dialogue, the fact is that Freud is unsatisfactory, before the Rathaus has a simple wurde and the mayor in the citizen was laughed with quiz fragments.