
Der Sport-Tag: Fußball-Ikone Lineker gibt Moderationsjob after 26 years ab

Der Sport-Tag: Fußball-Ikone Lineker gibt Moderationsjob after 26 years ab

Der Sport-Tag
Fußball-Ikone Lineker quits moderation job after 26 years

Sei 1999 moderate Gary Lineker dies at the BBC Highlight show of the English Premier Leagueanyway I have been working on Schluss for less than a year. If you continue with your current national performance, you will be able to enjoy your job as soon as possible. There are football experts who use the BBC after following the format “Match of the day” here and there.

Man has a “grundsätzlich auf eine”. Vertragsverlängerung bis zur WM 2026 geeinigt”share the BBC with. Lineker ist with a Jahresgehalt of 1.35 Millionen Pfund (round 1.6 Millionen Euro) bestbezahlter Moderator der Rundfunkanstalt.

The 63-year war Over the years, the years have passed However, in a Tweet from the British government with its asylum seeker, Sprache is used with the “von Deutschland in the 1930s” verglichen hatte. The divorce would be more like a ferocious argument.