
UN Climate Conference: All with their flying da? Es geht but ums Klima! | Living & Erasing

UN Climate Conference: All with their flying da? Es geht but ums Klima! | Living & Erasing

About 3000 kilometers by train from Berlin to Baku, what is the Kriegs-erschütterte Ukraine? It was self-invented for climate activist Luisa Neubauer (28, Fridays for Future) zu fell (absehen davon, das Teile der Strecke zurzeit unterbrochen sind). I am normally busy with the Bahnfahrt after 3 days. Those who attended most of the 32,000 units of the UN Climate Conference COP 29 were able to reach Neubauer and his Mitstreiter by flight to Aserbaids.

Staats- en Regierungschefs, Delegierte en Umweltaktivisten aus 198 Ländern wollen bis zum 22. November vor allem darüber beraten, who fell Money sisters were brought in, um Climate damage in Entwicklungsländern auszugleichen and Vorsorgemaßnahmen zu finanzieren. Auch Hunderte Berichterstatter since vor Ort – so who is the BILD-Reporter. At COP-Veranstaltungsort, the Baku Stadium, the Gedränge closes in the Gängen.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer meets with Heydar Aliyev Flughafen in Baku. Who tausende other besucher

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer meets with Heydar Aliyev Flughafen in Baku. Who sees another Teilnehmer der COP

Photo: Getty Images

Is the Klimakonferenz even suitable for the Klima?

If you make a COP decision about using a COP device, the device is angry with the type that consumes 230 g of CO₂ pro-fllogenen kilometer. If it’s okay Climate technician I have been prepared to carry 1.1 tons of CO₂ during my journey to Baku. (Hin- und Rückflug im A320, Economy Class, approx. 6100 km Gesamtstrecke). The right man who will approach the mix of COP-Besucher um, who will travel to another country, can become a nightmare.

Immersion: With my mother (and Luisa Neubauer) 195 kilos of CO₂ were produced. According to the Größenordnungen zu verstehen: The CO₂ emissions from German Kohlekraftwerken will be carried out by 160 million tons in 2024.

Do you know that the Tausenden COP-Teilnehmer (which is also a business service)? The UN chief António Guterres said in red a glorifying image of the climbers, speaking of “Family, who run for an hour, before the next Hurrikan sister (…), of overswimmungen, the Gemeinden überfluten and the Infrastructure zerstören, of Children, that hunger will be gone, and that they will never endure it.”

All die from catastrophes, “which were not forgotten by the people themselves, nor were they strengthened”, so Guterres. When Kampf looks at the climb, it’s time to lose. The hour is ticking!”

Aber the COP-Besucher woolen but tie Klima retten

Or holy here der Zweck die Mittel? Weil Tausende in Baku gets to work and the climate walking geschädigten entschädigen and schützen wollen. Another botschaft in the Welt Tragen?

BILD reporter Matthias Bieder in front of the German pavilion at the UN Climate Conference in Baku

BILD reporter Matthias Bieder in front of the German pavilion at the UN Climate Conference in Baku

Photo: Matthias Bieder

“If it’s good, it will end up in the stream, the man who has a man here is a stell himself. And who is a man with his privilege, here is everything. If anyone is here now, he will make a choice whether a man who has a will for climate justice. Man muss daüber nachdacht, welche Wirkung man hier hat, gerade wenn man aus Deutschland kommt“, says Meret Karenfort von Klimadelegation e. V.

And yes – this happened with the Flugzeug.