
KORREKTUR/ROUNDUP 3/Agrarschwäche: Bayer mit Milliardenverlust

KORREKTUR/ROUNDUP 3/Agrarschwäche: Bayer mit Milliardenverlust

(Note will be published in Bayer’s Roundups from 10:08 a.m. to 11:29 p.m. as well as from 3:59 p.m. to 3:59 p.m. about changes in performance and the impact on the results achieved in the quarter. There is field um gut a Viertel auf 1.25 Billiarden Euro.

LEVERKUSEN (dpa-AFX) – A new series of agricultural activities with schwachen Glyphosat-Verkäufen stimulated Bayer for the annual launch. Zudem pflanzen Bauern for everything in South America on the German weniger Land Mais an. Because of agriculture, Bayer has to withdraw a few billions and companies. Below the Strich it says that the quarter is worth a billion dollars. The agricultural perspectives were successfully published in 2025. The Bayer action course starts with a service at the age of 20.

For 2024, the Dax-Konzern with an average value of 45.5 to 47.5 billion euros has become a kind of bad profit for zinsen, steuern and absschreibungen (Ebitda) of 10.0 to 10.3 billion euros. Zuletzt did not earn 10.2 to 10.8 million dollars operating in Aussicht, but Bayer earned 11.7 million euros operating in one year. The small analyst analysis for 2024 is at the end of the new Zielbereichs. On the basis constant Wechselkurse the Leverkusener research for 2024 would be.

Immerhin: Soul for the free Finanzmittelfluss stops Finanzchef Wolfgang Nickl fest. After a free cash flow of 1.1 billion euros, an amount of 1.1 billion euros ended up in an amount of 200 million euros. “I saw a strong Cash-Beiträge four years ago, with the idea that it was Gesamtjahr wollen,” so Nickl. 2 to 3 billion euros have been planted for 2024. The view of the high debt burden of deliveries is the free cash flow that goes beyond the financial situation. Net debt fell to 35 billion euros at the end of September in the 1990s.

In the agricultural sector, which the market considers one of the best in Late America, Bayer chief Bill Anderson de Mitteilung with Blick said on the pessimistic gain. If you give Bayer an advice about the preparation of your research, we will investigate the years of the Sparte Crop Science. The perspective for 2025 has been published, the regulatory Regulations and Preisdruck by Nachahmerprodukte dürften das Pflanzenschutzgeschäft tax.

Everything in every respect Bayer has an amount of 3.3 billion euros ab. The company’s analysis in the Crop Science division after the Monsanto Acquisition (2018) has yielded an amount of 12.9 billion euros, which has slightly reduced coverage.

Clicking on the pharmaceutical department will initiate a new medical treatment that will take the first summer to complete. “I could do some market research with the Entwicklung,” Anderson said. Treatment with current treatment medicine and care for chronic kidney disease from diabetes will continue in 2025.

Bayer is no longer entitled to young medicines, a fortgesetzte umsatzerosion with the Kassenschlager Xarelto is the most commonly used teilweise. So, in the different regions of the world weiterhin patent for the blutgerinnungshemmer aus, the wettbewerbsdruck by generic nimmt zu. The Xarelto-Umsatz field is in the quarter of the era a quick four count at 800 million euros and deutlicher as erwartet by analysts. Zum Vergleich: Nubeqa and Kerendia raised a total of more than 540 million euros.

Konzernweit sank der Umsatz im abgelaufenen threeten Quartal im Jahresvergleich a 3.6 Prozent auf 9.97 Billions Euro. You can completely use the Sparte Consumer Health beef to buy a free medicine, which is a small little scaffolding. Some of the negative reviews have gotten a little bigger.

It is a special company that has set around four euros to 1.25 billion euros for Zinsen, Steuern and Abschreibungen (Ebitda). The amount of money is worth 4.2 billion euros – after a year minus 4.57 billion euros. The abominable rotten Zahlen gehen vor allem auf Abschreibungen auf de Agrarsparte zurück. Before a few years, a different kind of paths can follow and paths become more common, which are influenced by the Bewertung.

In light of current developments and the results in 2025, the winners of the market had now disappeared, analyst Richard Vosser of the JPMorgan bank wrote in an initial response. The results and the three agricultural prospects for 2025 have become more sour. Der ohnehin schon arg gebeutelte Aktienkurs brach een meer als zwölf Prozent auf 21.40 Euro ein, was de letzten Platz im Dax bedeutete.

By 2024, Bayer’s Börsenwert had fallen to more than 36 Prozent for less than 21 billion euros. For a negative Glyphosat-Urteil Summer 2018 – on the Abschluss of Monsanto-Übernahme, the Andersons Vorgänger Werner Baumann, the Widerstand received many more Investors through the box – there were not yet 92 Billiards.

Anderson, since April 2023, has left and the Bayer-Ruder team in June 2023 has looked at a new organization of the internal organization and taken a new initiative with the American-Right rules of the Ruder-herumzureißen.

So Bayer goes a little further with lobbying in the US with the institutions ab. Let the Unternehmensführung rule on a Grundsatzentscheidung of the American courts, the American Supreme Court, the Favors of the Konzerns. The background is untouched by a disorderly purpose of the Frage, ob Bundesrecht zu Warnhinweisen at Verkauf von Unkrautvernichttern über dem Recht van Bundesstaaten steht.

Zunächst is unwanted, because the Supreme Court has overturned the Sache. And then Bayer has made a separation between 2025 and 2026.

With the launch of the financial organization, which became one billion euros larger in 2026, it became part of it. If you look at the new organizational models, Anderson says he is on duty at a press conference.

In these models, Mitarbeiter etwa in Forschung, Produktion und Vertrieb mehr Eigenverantwortung und Handlongsfreiheiten, weniger Manager since notnauwen. “I think the cost is $5,500 in the United States, and the very top of their management positions,” Anderson continues. Insgesamt beschäftigte Bayer per Ende September auf Vollzeitstellen umgerechnet nor gut 94.200 Menschen.

Derweil with Wolfgang Nickl das Finanzressort des Konzerns fly longer than planted. Der Aufsichtsrat habe seinen Vertrag bis zum 31. May 2026, teilte Bayer ebenfalls am Dienstag mit. Owned by the 55-year-old manager, since June 2018 Finanzchef ist, bereits 2025 nach der Hauptversammlung in the Ruhestand treten./mis/mne/zb/stk/he