
Explosions after Start in Italy

Explosions after Start in Italy

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Explosions after Start in Italy
After the start in Italy’s main city Rom was an einem Flugzeug Flammen zu sehen. (Collage with archive) © Collage: IMAGO / ZUMA Press//Screenshot: Flight-Aware

Messages from explosions from Zeugen, from media. Ein Flugzeug in Rom ist zwungen, kurz nach dem Start wieder zu landen. 249 people are in the machine.

Rom – After few moments war der Flug CHH 438 von Rom (Italian) after Shenzhen (China) vorbei. Roads more technical Problems with the Pilot course after the Start den Steigflug ab. Flames always shine in a triebwerk. Augenzeugen beobachteten den Notfall der Passengermachine in der Luft. The Flugzeug flight ends with a final maneuver in the middle lake, with tracking data from FlightAware data.

Shock moment in Italy: Boeing arrives after take-off in Rome – Augenzeugen messages from Explosion

The Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner of Hainan Airlines flies to the Flughafen Rome Leonardo da Vinci Fiumicino Airport (FCO) ab on Samstagvormittag (November 10). Kurz nach dem Start at 9.55 am of the shock moment for 249 Passengers and Crew. But it was a passion for Himmel, which also helped people on the Boden.

“Wirmten auf die Straße, als wir een lauteen Knall hörten”, says a baby sow, the battle with my dog ​​in the Isola Sacra war and the great turmoil. There are other human messages that cause a “Bang” or an “Explosion”. Videos from Flug since in the social media you can find.

Shock moment for 249 passengers: Boeing arrives after flames from Triebwerk Boeing arrives from Start.
Shock moment for 249 passengers: Boeing arrives after flames from Triebwerk Boeing arrives from Start. © Image/screenshot

Engine damage occurs after Start in Rome: Boeing flies Manöver over the Mittelmeer

The straight engine is suitable for use at an altitude of 2000 meters (approx. 610 meters). FL360aero on In the video you can see the video, with funken and flames from the right trick work.

Warteschleifen über Küste von Italien: Boeing solves problems with Triebwerk Kerosin ab

Die Boeing befand sich, laut The Aviation Heraldin Steigflug as the “straight Triebwerk a Reihe von Vögeln einsog and es zu wiederholten Kompressorabwürfen kam.” Die Besatzung took the Steigflug to 6000 Fuß (1.83 km) and started in a Warteschleife, where he completed the checklist and Treibstoff abließ. 55 minutes after the machine has left with 249 passengers and 16 flights to Fiumicino zurück and landete sicher on piste 16R.

Another Boeing machine must fly on the roads of the triebwerk non-countries. While others lose a Boeing, the triebwerkverkleidung begin. (ml)