
ACTION IM FOKUS: Just eat with Kurssprung

ACTION IM FOKUS: Just eat with Kurssprung

AMSTERDAM (dpa-AFX) – Responded to the Verkauf von Grubhub with a courier service from Lieferando-Mutter Just Eat Takeaway. Explain the title 20.1 Prozent auf 13.55 Euro zu. If the Schwäche der Vorwochen moved sich der Wert wieder in Richtung der September-Hochs um 14 Euro. Auf Jahressicht lies die Aktie in a breiten Seitwärtsspanne zwischen rund zehn and etwa 15.50 Euro.

The US-Geschäft Grubhub has received a loan of 650 Million Dollars (611 Mio Euro) and the Love Service Wonder. The purchase of Delivery Hero has put a $7.3 billion beef on the Tisch for Grubhub 2020.

The JPMorgan analysts spoke of one of the most important Schritt. Just Eat is on the right track, you can become a defensive player with a solid defense mechanism and a stronger Margen.

If Bernstein does this, he can call on the market for one of the executed trades. While the Verkaufserlös takes away the debt from Just Eat and loses the burden by Zinsaufwendungen./mf/mis