
Strohländle-Spenden for the Hospiz Leonberg and for Olgäle: Pfandchips, Geldgaben and Bingo-Erlös

Strohländle-Spenden for the Hospiz Leonberg and for Olgäle: Pfandchips, Geldgaben and Bingo-Erlös

11 111 Euro is issued as Strohländle and the Leonberger Hospiz. New roles and kitchen aids are used. 4000 euros are spent on the Charity-Abend das Olgäle.

Leonberg: Marius Venturini (ds.)

The Leonberger Strohländle has been on the Neue a few years ago, while an Engelbergturm has been a boats for a long time, from music to lessons and kabarett to his family and play fun. Unterm Strich pilgerten in diesem Jahr über den gesamten August deutlich more as 30 000 Menschen zur Bühne zischen Strohballen und Liegestühlen. Organizer Johannes Leichtle started this year’s Ausgabe jüngst „the best Strohländle of all times“.

The Strohländle-Macher costs 11,111 Euro

Never the Macher freut der grote Zuspruch. Auch de Verantwortlichen des Hospiz Leonberg makes a profit. The design has resulted in a major expenditure on Strohländle. 11 111 euros were taken into account. 8922 Euro davon result from spent Pfandchips, 312 Euro from Barspenden. Our own organized Bingo events were still only 1785 Euro. The Strohländle organizers spend less than 92 euros, soft drinks are a hint on the expenditure check.

In the year 2024, the Leonberg hospital marked an anniversary year: 25 years of stationary hospital and 30 years of ambulatory hospital. While the analysis of a major anniversary is being realized in the Rathaus. Official expenditure is made and Ausstellung status is determined. Johannes Leichtle overcame and died both from the Hospiz Leonberg, Dieter Burr and Günther Wöhler.

Volle Wiese: Das Strohländle war in diesem Jahr außerordentlich gut besucht. Photo: Simon Granville

The hospital has a Schwerkranke and Sterbende that increase the tension in the heavy crowds. Zahlreiche Dienste is one of the things that people do at the stage of their lives. Expenses are now first found in hospital care. In the nursery, new Rollstühle and Pflegerollstühle must be urgently purchased. After being in Seestraße 84 for years, you may end up at the station for the kitchen over time. They have fallen. A new industrial machine is urgently needed.

Auch das Olgäle was conceived with a great deal of thought in mind

The expenditure for the hospital will continue on August 7 in the Charity-Abend des Strohländles and there is no Tombola yet, which the Firma Iep is going through. Erlöse kamen der Aktion „Ein Herz für’s Olgäle“ zugute. The expenses, which were estimated at EUR 4,000 – EUR 3,834, were stocked by Iep. Der Betrag kommt krebskranken Kindern en deren Familien zugute. Zahlreiche Firmen lieferten auch Sachspenden. Before Claudia Blattmann, the Ärztliche Direktorin am Ölgäle, and Joachim Degl at the Firma Iep bij Gast, were a symbolic publication for the whole world and for the Unterstützung of that time.