
After DSDS-Aus: So the Ex-Superstar jury member spends that free time

After DSDS-Aus: So the Ex-Superstar jury member spends that free time

The three-year-old posted a beautiful clip from the Papa-Söhne-Zeit on Instagram. Three children alone with babies and grandchildren, that is why they are bonded, is not completely free. Zu seinen Fans said Pietro Lombardi (32): “Der Kleine hier in der Trage, Leano in Kinderwagen. And those Mamas: Wow. Also I am fixed and firm, aber: We will get rid of them.”

Im Video oben seht ihr, wie Pietro de Zeit mit seinen Söhnen verringt.

Pietro is very happy

Pietro power over the video is now the Mamas bzw. Signaler Partnerin Laura Maria Rypa (28) Komplimente en kümmert sich gleichzeitig um die Kinder, there is a possibility to achieve this. Vielleicht is the kürzliche DSDS-Aus auch eine Erleichterung für ihn. After strengthening the TV production, the superstar jury member can have a spazier walk with his nachwuchs.