
Theater and TV legend Timothy West (†90) is here

Theater and TV legend Timothy West (†90) is here

There is a war between the great stars of the British Theater and the Fernsehwelt: Timothy West (1934-2024) is a 90-year change in the Schlaf-gestorben, who can have his family in the Mittwoch. “If a long and long life goes up and down in cooking” is the schauspieler at the service disruptorbend, heißt es in a Statement seiner Kinder.

Family never Abschied

“Tim war am ende von Freunden und Familie umgeben”, explained seine Kinder Juliet, Samuel und Joseph West. There is a hinterlässt seine Ehefrau Prunella Scales (92), with der 61 Jahre verheiratet war, anyway one Schwester, one Tochter, two Söhne, sieben Single and four Hours. The family thanks the NHS personality at St George’s Hospital in London for the “great involvement in the future”.

Vielseitige Karriere zwischen Theater and TV

In 1934 in Bradford the West was born with the British Schauspielern Seiner Generation. Seine Karriere started out as an assistant at the Wimbledon Theater before making a name for himself on stage and in front of the chamber in the 1960s. A publication that expands on the popular TV series with “EastEnders” (2014-2015), “Coronation Street” (2013) and “Not Going Out” (2007-2009) can be viewed. Zuletzt war in the Series “Gentleman Jack” (2019-2021) to see.

Other things that take place in the history of personal history – the dream exploration is the legendary British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1874-1965). 1984 was established in the West for service in the Theater with the Orders Commander of the British Empire (CBE).

An international audience was another in films with “Der Schakal” (1973), “Schrei nach Freiheit” (1987) and “Jenseits aller Grenzen” (2003).

Private and professional partnership

With the Ehefrau Prunella Scales, named as Sybil from the BBC-Sticom “Fawlty Towers”, West regularly performs in front of the room. Gemeinsam is used for the Channel 4 Series “Great Canal Journeys” in the British Wasserstraßen and the Auslands. Scales lead to 20 years and vaskulärer Demenz. (obr/place)