
Theater: Who Albanien zu selbst findet

Theater: Who Albanien zu selbst findet

The Albanian Theater changes between the Aufarbeitung der communist Vergangenheit, nationale Geschichtsschreibung und Eingriff in de Gegenwart. Ein Besuch in Tirana said: This mirror is a rapidly changing society.

If you used one of the original Baugrube mittens in Tirana and how long, that was a good hat. While this international group of theater makers and journalists is busy for a while in the Albanian Hauptstadt, there is an Auswahl van Stücken from Albania and the Anzuschauen from Kosovo. Under? Ist Erion Veliaj, der Bürgermeister von Tirana. If you do research in the United States and Great Britain, you notice this. In geschliffenem Engels erzählt Veliaj, wie rasant sich Albanian und Tirana verändern.

Eigentlich sollte Tirana 1920 nur für kurze Zeit die Hauptstadt Albaniens zijn. If it falls on the Balkans, so Veliaj, where the Provisorium for the Dauerlösung is, it will take a while. The city may be on the boulevard, but it is still a boulevard in the city – like Tirana – until then no more. In 1990, after the end of communism in the Coastal State, we won 200,000 people in Tirana. Anyway? It’s worth a million. And the city continues to wait.

Tirana turns with a lonely Baustelle, to the descents of the new Nationaltheater. Überall Kräne, in Berlin from the 1990s. The city becomes a Skyline from Hochhäusern. In Hotel, the Sky Tower with Frühstück in 18. Stock, the man ended up in the nun-mickrig villa of Enver Hoxha, the “Albanian Stalin”. It is the best KFC that is the first US-Fastfood-loaded des Landes. Bässe wummern durch die Nacht, de inst abgeriegelte Viertel ist zur Partymeile.

And tourists come. Viele Tourists. A million sols is a year ago – pro Monat. Like a fleeting flight, they are a quick flight across Europe, fly a Landstraße in the Feldern and leave a Gewächshäusern in the city. If the opposition makes the protestant and street blockade of the opposition, he is quickly in the taxi, with a click on the concrete house and the blockage of the city highways. Großbaustelle en auch noch nah am Verkehrsinfarkt.

Infrastructure policy is one of the great reforms, Veliaj explains. This is the case with your country’s social security status with your knowledge of the German Automobile Industry. The Mercedes in the Garagelassen? Unbelievable. But how the Bürgermeister has been abolished, the Zentralen Skanderbeg-Platz – benannt nach dem Nationalhelden, der eigenhandels over 3000 Turks has had a lot – car-free of machine. So look at “Change” as one of the political leaders.

The Paradebeispiel for “Change” is the pyramid of Tirana, a mausoleum for the Hoxha plant. For a few years you still can’t keep up if you use the Abriss kurz. And nun? It is the pyramid that has been renewed: you can go one step further if you are a steigen and a city. There is now a creative technology center focused on job development in Silicon Valley. New Digitalwelt statt postozialisten Tristesse.

The mayor has made the History of Albanian clear and distinct: the Jahrhundertelange Knechtschaft under the Turks, then neither the Italians nor the Communists, now the country is quite free. “Für eine albanische wiedergeburt” was declared the program of the sociological parties for many years. Like the Prime Minister Edi Rama, his next year will go to the Wiederwahl and bring the country into the will of the EU until 2030. Rama, even as a Künstler internationally known, war himself long Tiranas Bürgermeister.

Ganz attacked “change”

In Albania, two major parties compete for political power: the Social Democratic Socialists and the Conservative Democratic Party, which are regularly confronted with corruption crimes. This focuses on the fact that Veliaj and Rama will meet the new Prime Minister Sali Berisha of the Konkurrenz, the agents that initiated the Corruption and are in Hauarrest. Dagegen would protest on the street that day, and we would also like to protest.

Protest is about the history of the national theaters in Tirana, a building by the futurist architects Giulio Bertè, who stand in the way of an investment company with a shopping center. The renovation wiring bed of the Künstlern occupation, before the Bürgermeister 2020, during the night and a lie, was an investigation into the Verfassungsgericht for illegal erklärt-wurde. Was sagt der Politiker heute? There is no gain, but no further entry. “Change” stop.

This is the best choice for the theaters for Unmut. The Skandal is a dramatic cause, which sees the changes in Albania for itself. And no matter how you feel: if you are ready, you will be happy, calm and ready for orientation. Now that the history of the new National Theater has passed. This is the modern Theater of the Balkans. The work has appeared on a table at the Baugrube: a spectacular, modernist Bau with more sales.

The man can continue the history of Albania in the 1990s in other times, while a discussion about an Albanian theater machern said, and the director of the national theaters teilnimt. Damals, after the destruction of the discarded lands, continue for a while with a summer of anarchy, a time of great illusions. Anyway? Everything that is rebellious and takes a lot of effort is more serious. And if you want all the rules to be blamed on your company, they are.

Anyone who wants to experience the Umbruchszeit is welcome in Lea Ypis Bestseller „Frei. There were observations at the end of history, and there were all kinds of Doppeladler devotionals in the Laden at the Airport, in different languages. The philosophical description, which is the new Freiheit after 1990, can be one of the following hints: ‘When the Freiheit comes to an end, the war is a frozen service-oriented goal. We were able to save a few, quickly and were not satisfied.”

Why do you think the Lage is so unreliable for the Albanian Theater Machinist? Is it, who is at Ypi, a greater Freiheitserzählung and Wirklichkeit? Two theater performances in Tirana were presented in the Dilemma: “The Traitor’s Niche” from the National Theater of Kosovo in the Prishtina with the novel “Der Schandkasten” by Ismail Kadare, one of the Osmanenherrschaft in all Grausamkeiten zuschildern. Endless roles of buying servants, aber aufständischen Albaner über the Bühne. Here is the nation itself on stage: Nationaltheater on 19. Jahrhundert.

Nationale Selbstfindung in Theater

We think that the only way to achieve the Fremdherrschaft of the Verleidingenheit is to experience an overraschung with “Six Against Turkey” by Quendra Multimedia from Prishtina. Jeton Neziraj, the Kosovo playwright and Australian organizer of the Auswahlschau in Tirana, has written a bitter satire after a true scripture, in a new great meaning: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. There is still no power rule in Kosovo.

In Nezirajs Stück, a Turkish Turkish Lehrer in Kosovo is the mutmasliche Gülen-Anhänger haftet and vom Turkish Secret Service were transferred. A more politic Skandal, der zum Rücktritt des Innenministers und de Secret Servicechefs führte. If the prime minister takes office, Erdoğan’s criticism will be aroused. The Turkish war in the first country, the Kosovo war can take place as the Schutzmacht of the Muslim Albanian. In Tirana lies a man of the great Mosque of the Balkans together.

Selten has such a great interest in theater karting of Botschafts- and Geheimdienstkreisen with the premiere of “Six Against Turkey” in Prishtina, erzählt Neziraj. Part of the war that creates the pressure with such a large production is that the Turkish schauspieler does his job when the research is carried out. Neziraj, born in 1977, has his own work, he is a controversialist, he is a theater producer, and he has his own stories, but he is always the one who knows the current political themes.

Aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln said “The Traitor’s Niche” and “Six Against Turkey”, which sees the theater in Albania and in Kosovo grim with a national self-study. So if “Flower Sajza” from the National Experimental Theater Tirana, if it is a documentary of the Arbeitslagern under Hoxha nähert, with an effect of an investigation, then that is no longer schlimm, but a schlimmer like Auschwitz is a sollen. And while we – unlike the Nazis – went ‘die eigenen Leute’, it was now possible that the Jews would stop for the ‘Other’ of the Nation.

In Theater I find the historical stories of the citizens of Tirana described: From the Ottomans to the Communists there was a great success, but now the time of the Albanian civil war has been established – with its own Widersprüchen. Of the new Widersprüchen, the man sees zurzeit in the city of Tirana more than in the Bühne, with Ausnahme von Neziraj. Were weiß, in itself that is with the new Nationaltheater ändert. Opening soll in approximately two years.

Jacob Hayner hat Philosophie, Literatur und Ästhetik in Frankfurt an der Oder studied. He lives in Berlin and is in the free Minute im Theater. This article is an einladung from the Albanian Hauptstadt.