
On the Grünen Insel der Klöster and Heiligen-en route

On the Grünen Insel der Klöster and Heiligen-en route

Grünberg. Pfarrer Norbert Heide started with 41 interest in a 10-day run with biblical journeys in Ireland, on the Grünen Insel der Klöster and Heiligen.
With the Flugzeug there is a man in Dublin, where the Gruppe von Reiseleiterin Ela is working in Empfang, a city for the bus that works there. Der Fluss Liffey, teilt die Stadt in een Nord- en in een Zuid-Südteil. Here one could view the city’s bridge, the Samuel Beckett Bridge, a 120 meter long and 48 meter high Schrägseilbrücke and the Half Penny Bridge, a pure Fußgängerbrücke, which dates back to 1816. You can enlarge the names of the people looking at the city and is one of the most professional photography sessions in the city. Typical for Dublin as the Georgian style Häuser. If the Häuser sees a little content, bestchensie for all by the bunten Türen, the Dublin Doors.

Die The first station was the Guinness Brewery in Dublin with an interesting exhibition about the 200-year brewery tradition. Abgerundet wurde der Besuch met een kostenprobe van de “schwarzen Gebräus” über de Dächern der Stadt mir herrlichem Rund-um-Blick.
The description of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, which had a small Holzkapelle war and no longer had a single stand, and the English St. Patrick with a 450-year-old beautiful shiny hat. Hier war der Besuch zum Even Song een schöner Abschluss des er-tien Tages.

Entlang der Küstenstraße, vorbei am Dubliner Hafen chauffierte uns Busfahrer Marc zur beautiful Parkanlage des ingen Herrensitzes Powerscourt with Garten in Italian andJapanese style, one of the clean anlagen of the island with a cattle of 190,000 qm. While the traveling Wicklowberge left the Ruins of Klosterstadt Glendalough. Der Heilige Kevin zog sich im 6. Jahrhundert hier in zurück. There is a world where nature lives, but it is a great center and Christian school. Kevin tells the legend after the year 618 in the past from 120 years. Jedes Jahr am 3. June at St. Kevin’s The day started and Pilger came from all the Teilen der Insel ins Tal. The name Glendalough refers to the Irish “Talder der two Seen”. Here you will find a short walk through the idyllic “Upper and Lower Lakes”, which becomes manly from the Wicklow Mountains.

Have been written Tag stand der Besuch des in a herrlichen Park locateden Malahide Castles auf dem Programm, dessen Ursprünge ins 12. Jh. zurückreichen. There have been many years of war in the private and private home of the Talbot family. Jetzt is in the Besitz of the Republic of Ireland.

In Monasterboice is the Rundtürme and Hochkreuze, under the name Muiredagh-Kreuz and one of the oldest Klösters in Ireland. Then go to the Fahrt nach Belfast and stay at a hotel for three nights.

At the Stadtrundfahrt in Nordirlands Hauptstadt, the Belfast City Hall wurde with the architectural and structured architecture. When the land occurs, think of the history, the people and the honors that are connected to the city.

Hillsborough Castle has been the official residence of the Kings of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Charles III, since 1925, which was first the years of the Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Here the properties should be in 18. Jahrhundert angelegte Walled Garden zum Anbau von Gemüse, Obst und Blumen. View another model and a smaller one See loaded zum Verweilen ein.

The St. Patrick Center in Downpatrick originated from the Irish national saints, Christian history in the heartland. Here the traditional St. Patrick’s tradition would be the Ruhestätte der National Saints St. Brigid.
In Armagh there were two cathedrals that existed, the Anglican and the cathedral. St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Here the organist Rolf Diehl from the tour group gives an organ concert of the finest, for all techniques and for his self-construction a tolles lesson.

During a city walk through Belfast, it is a beautiful city, one of the tragic Verdingenheit Nordirlands erzählen, a Hauswänden and Mauern auf. Not a mile of Mauer through Belfast has ever been seen.

DaThe Besuchermuseum “Titanic Belfast” is an exhibition of architecture and “Hingucker”. Here the man was able to complete the construction of the Titanic through his construction with its tragic history in his Jungfernfahrt-erfahren, will reach its end. The sinking of the Titanic is about man’s guilt. The first phase is a record speed. At the same time, you can save your husband and wife on the Gefahren der Eisberge. Deshalb must weld 1,600 people during their lives.

In the Whiskey Distillery “Old Bushmills” one of the oldest whiskey distilleries in the world with another tradition of 200 years, the Gruppe, which was one of the most famous whiskies. If you do a cost study on the past grading, while paying a price, this is not Borders.

The Giant’s Causeway has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986. There is a best price of 40,000 million formed basalt products, otherwise there is a commitment of 60 million years. The size of the Steinsäulen has a height of swell meters. The Giant’s Causeway is fun and fun kilometers If you use the clipping and the end of the lake, it is weeder – the other legend of Fionn mac Cumhaill zufolge – and the Scottish coast as Fingal’s Cave emerges. Geologists have investigated the Entstehung des Basaltdammen on the Abkühlung heißer Lava zurück.

In Derry/Londonderry a run on the stadtmauer started on 17. Jahrhundert. The Befestigungsanlagen closed the historic core of the city. Derry, the largest northern city in Belfast, is renowned as the only surviving city in Ireland.

If you want to place a tag, consider visiting the Derry Rathaus. Here in the main hall a Pfeifen organ, which was donated by the Citizens for Unterhaltung. Here organist Rolf Diehl goes to the extreme of the great organ.

Then follows a visit to the Free Derry Museum, which experiences the civil rights movement, the Bloody Sunday and the Ereignisse of the Zeit des Burgerkrieges.

Danach führte die Fart über Donegal nach Galway, der drittgrößten Stadt Irlands.

Am 8. Tag a travelogue of the wildly romantic landscape of Connemaras, which is best in the southern part of the Heath and Moorgebiet and in the North more than 700 m above Bergen. The greener Connemara-Marmor, with its solitary trade, is a major expense.

Kylemore-Abbey is the most important Benedictine monastery in Ireland.
A wonderful Aussicht boat that Klippen von Moher, a bis on a 200 m high Steilkust. Here you will find the Fahrt in the fascinating Karstlandschaft des Burren, where the Alpine and Mediterranean Pflanzen are deihen. Der Poulnabrone Dolmen, a megalithic grab from the Kupferstein period, a tons of construction, which was aimed with an unpredictable result, could be helped here.

Halloween booth before. During the war in the Rathaus in Galway, Privathäuser and everything was man can think, with Skeletons, Spiders, various Horror Gestalten and Kürbissen geschmückt. Dieses Brauchtum war ursprünglich im seinerzeit katholisch geprägten Ireland verbreitet. The Irish Einwanderer in the USA pflegten their Bräuche in Erinnerung and de Heimat and beet them from a Dubliner Fischhändlerin im 17. Jahrhundertangestimmt.

All in a wonderful journey with perhaps new endings, green in the different nuances, fell Steinen – variously as Mauern, old Klöster, Ruinen oder Hochkreuze -, sehr gutem Essen, Schafe ohne Ende and an angenehmen Gemeinschaft. There is a pub with Irish Guinness and Live Bands that are not in the program. Gelb blühender Ginster, Heide and Gräser säumten die Wege.
Die täglichen, teils amüsanten Andachten – sei es der Kopfsalat, bei dem Kopf und Herz in unmittelbarer Nähe lie, der standhafte Joghurtbecher or der unverschämte Short, the address and the absence zurückschickt and meint: Das müssen Sie alles, dass in ihrem Namen irgendein een part of the policy briefing – from Pfarrer Heide and verschiede Andachtsorten and the Irish Segenswünsche gehörten zum tag Ablauf. Here you will find a sincere thank you to all teilnehmern for the perfectly planned and interesting study trip to Irland bzw. Northern Ireland; at Busfahrer Marc for the well-informed and comprehensive Fahrweise on 1,121 km through the country and at Reiseleiterin Ela for the professional and highly competent visitors of the impressive Cultural Heritage and the fascinating Beauty of the Island.