
Longer-Vertrag unterzeichnet Rohbauarbeiten start Anfang 2025

Longer-Vertrag unterzeichnet Rohbauarbeiten start Anfang 2025

The notarielle Beurkundung is geschafft (on the right): Klaus Diegelmann, Reinhold Baier, Matthias Möller and Richard Nüchter (Werner-Gruppe) as well as (hinten on the right) Notar Stephan Ulrich, Thomas Rau (Abteilungsleiter Liegenschaften) and Stadtkämmerin Lydia Kohlhepp. – Photo: Ulrich Schwind

Longer-Vertrag unterzeichnet

14.11.24 – A smaller Schritt for the Beteiligten, a larger one for Schlüchtern. The Spitzen der Stadt is the undertaking of the Fuldaer company. Werner Projektentwicklung started writing unscripted letters at a Fuldaer notary until the purchase delay of a large Fläche des Langer-Areals.

During the year 2022, there were 2,300 quadratmeters of large quantities of material to be consumed during the year 2022. After all, the Bürgermeister Matthias Möller (Parteilos) and his Stellvertreter Reinhold Baier (CDU) are sister with Klaus Diegelmann, Geschäftsführer of Werner Projectwicklung, the end of the sales agreement with the Grundstücks at notar Stephan Ulrich is not available. The area is unmittelbar an der Obertorstraße wechselt für einen Verkaufspreis von gut 660.000 Euro de Besitzer. At 15 years, notarial delay work is a complex and complex matter. Schließlich galt es, zahlreiche inzelne Parzellen, teilweise nur wewenige Quadratmeter groß, aus vergangen Zeiten nun zu eener großen Fläche zammenzufügen.

“Complete History”

“That was a very complete story,” Diegelmann said thoughtfully. It is worth not allowing the sale to happen even once, while the family of Asian imbiss also does not have an efügt activity in the Gesamtkomplex. “We are more confident that all aspects of the structure have been taken into account and that the overall project in the heart of the Schlüchtern environment has been set.”

There is a very sharp view of Bürgermeister Möller. If you are in the Magistrat and the Parlament for the negotiation of the government in the Rathaus, you will end up in court, while you have the complizierten Verträge with ausgearbeitet haten. Take a look at the company Werner Projektentwicklung. In an extreme economic situation it would be like a partner and investor in Herzen von Schlüchtern for 40 million euros. Because it is a first-class economic development for the region, companies may participate in its own Raum. I see the transformation of the longer project with an important answer for a modern city tentwicklung in the “new district”. Möller: “Das Vorhaben is an important goal for Schlüchtern and a lot of motivation.”

New larger construction complex

After the Fertigstellung und Eröffnung des Kultur- und Begegnungszentrums (KuBe) and the Ecke Bahnhof-/Lotichiusstraße, the construction of the next large building complexes should be avoided. Unmittelbar an der Obertorstraße soll ein stattlicher Büro- und Gewerbekörper entstehen. The height of the modern furniture will be a new era, which is a historic beddeutung dies Areals remembers and zum others can offer an elegant time through the Hauptverkehrsstraße in one of the historic areas of the “Pocket Park” area.

Schon in Kürze soll with Hilfe eines 100-Tonnen-Spezialbohrgeräts with umpangreichen Gründungsarbeiten begun, a dem weichen Untergrund Stabilität zu verleihen. So 60 items were purchased, the jewels of a zetimeter of 70 being a tiefe of 25 meters long. Many Einrichtungen were placed in the Gebäude. So it is a matter of thinking about the Stelle Trade and Gastronomy. Once the city administration itself starts, this will no longer be the case. So solve in the Neubau beispielweise publikumsintensive Bereiche who who Tourist information as well as the Bürgerservice were unterbracht. They were helped through the city police by Domizil’s child protection agency. For the different stages of the country, the factions in the city parliament can form an “office”, the space for meeting and discussing matters. Ferner finds a “Boarding Hotel” Platz, which is moved under the direction of the Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft. “The start of construction work is expected for the first quarter of 2025,” predicts Klaus Diegelmann. (pm/cdg) +++