
For a certain price: if you are in the hotel, this is no longer a problem

Urlaub bedeutet Erholung. But ohne good Schlaf bleibt die in der Regel aus. Hotel bets are no longer free. It is often difficult and unaffordable.

For a certain price, it is a hotelier who is now looking for a targeted bet. There is a part of my life, which is most hotel guests, who have their bad hinge wall from the pages of the nutzen würden. Dad see this Betthälfte more durchgelegen like the other one.

Were we now a Matratze who wants to give one in the night a few enjoyable moments, sollte die other Bettseite wählen. So if the back is clean, the road to bad has continued.

Reis man zu zweit, so you can spend the night the bet is woken. So both partners have a chance at erholsamen Schlaf.

Dieser Text provides a transcription of the video recordings. The video was made at our partner Glomex.