
Kimberly I. and Stefan I. Manschuko-Prinzen couple

Kimberly I. and Stefan I. Manschuko-Prinzen couple

Also with Manschuko hat the digital Zeitalter Einzug content – ​​was the Such of the Prinzenpaares in Samstag in the Saal of the Manchinger Hofes concerning.

In any case, for the Prinzenpaar, which is stowed under the Besucher mist, nor with a Kerzenleuchter gesucht, so it was now per Prinzenpaar-Hotline aufgespürt and the Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.

Diese Aufgabe übernahm from the new Hofmarschall Philipp Lindner (26) from Hebberg. Franz Gmelch Jun. I have the Faschingsgeschehens with Manschuko all year round as Hofmarschall and less than a year of celebration in der Hand.

President Vanessa Zillner asked Altlandrat Martin Wolf

Wortgewandt started Lindner, who was self-confident, with a faschingsablauf that had no Ahnung hat whatsoever, with the handy auxiliary prince couple-Hotline with such two tollitäten. But for the most exciting occasion, President Vanessa Zillner welcomed a new impetus from politics and business, from Altlandrat Martin Wolf. The great war war, as he herausstellte, is that Stefan Dangl (24) from Manching (Fertigungsfachkraft at Audi) and Kimberly Grabrucker (27) from Gaimersheim (Bürokauffrau at Edeka Südbayern) are the Guard and the Komitee during the last years of the war. Both Tollitäten joined Manschuko years later – Kimberly continues for 21 years and Dangl is busy.

Jugend tanzt in Blau, Rot, Pink, Gelb en Schwarz

While the theme war is going on, the youth group begins an extensive program that is managed. They were dressed in Blau, Rot, Pink, Gelb und Schwarz – Farben, die für die Lebensfreude von Manschuko stehen, so the young Moderator in Paulina Kölbl.

The Abschluss einem der Rauschenden Ballnacht Bildeten Ehrungen longjähriger Trainer- und Gardepaare. Franz Gmelch was also given his insignia by the new Hofmarschall in the Ehrenrat. With the Market Community Ball on January 11 in the Manchinger Hof and the Garden Night on January 24 in the Ingolstadt City Theater, Manschuko starts with a faschingsgemäßen program in the fun years of the time.