
Blutste könnte drohende Morbus Parkinson Erkrankung vorausasagen

Blutste könnte drohende Morbus Parkinson Erkrankung vorausasagen

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If an investigation has been done, the chance of a patient may be greater. Various tests for Parkinson’s disease can last a lifetime.

At least 200,000 people in Germany are affected by the disease Morbus Parkinson. Damit is Parkinson’s who has the most neurodegenerative disease, reportset das Deutsche Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e. V. (DZNE). Studies that provide information, the Erkrankung can take years before the first symptoms can appear in the broke.

Parkinson’s: Early Diagnosis by “Flush Biopsy”

Blutste könnte drohende Morbus Parkinson Erkrankung vorausasagen
Zitterne Hand in Ruhepostion can cause a symptom of Morbus Parkinson. (Symbol image) © Dreamstime Bialasiew/Imago

A study from the Wyss Institutes of Harvard University and Bringham and Women’s Hospital has created a new, stupidest and beginning point for Parkinson’s research by recognizing that it is possible. A “flüssige Biopsy” can be performed. The most comprehensive analysis of Vesicle (EVs) has been performed. These organic transport products come from the factory and are blunt nachweisbar, informed Darin is the best protein included in the Parkinson’s compound.

The Forschern is a gelungen, relevant proteins from the inside of the EVs of unerwünschten Stoffen on the Außenseite zu entfernen. Protein Alpha-Synuclein may not work. These diseases in Parkinson’s patients require chemical treatment with sogenant phosphorylation. Phosphorylating Alpha-Synuclein could be used in blunt testing of Parkinson’s patients.

Die Ergebnisse wurden in der wieschaftlichen Fachzeitschrift PNAS veröffentlicht.

If the method is no longer used, soda can no longer be used. Perspectively, it can be noted that all patients at risk are a waste of their value.

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Weitere Studie: Blutproben und Künstliche Intelligenz

Wissenschaftler der University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) and University College London is a problem, Parkinson’s recognition is a year ago before the onset of motor symptoms. It is a matter of broke research and the examination of expert information in patients with serious risks.

This can make the difference between Parkinson’s patients and humans. 23 proteins are included, which are “Developed in the functioning and the teilnehmer*innen aufwiesen”, so die University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG). Diese 23 Proteine ​​​​wurden in Blutproben von Personen with a REM-Schlafverhaltensstörung (gilded as hohes Risk for a Parkinson-Erkrankung) is investigated.

“Mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz were eight of the 23 Proteine ​​​​in der Lage, de Parkinson-Erkrankung voor 79 Prozent dieser Risikopatient*innen bis zu siben Year vor Auftreten der Symptomatik voorherzusagen“, thus the Pressemitteilung desr UMG. The research is carried out in other studies and for the clinical treatment that we have to undergo.

With the best immunization of eight proteins in the blood, potential Parkinson’s patients can be identified more years into the future. Medikamentöse Therapien can rely on the time needed to enable the treatment of the disease or to hinder the treatment,” says Dr. Michael Bartl, Assistant at the Clinic for Neurology (UMG), who shares the wisdom of the Ergebnisse.

These experiences were made clear in “Nature Communication”.

Another study has put a lot of focus on the fact that Kaffeetrinker has a small chance of suffering from Parkinson’s.

Was sind a typical Parkinson’s symptom?

The following symptoms are characteristic of Morbus Parkinson, informed about DZNE:

  • Desire consultation: Influenced people lead to a decrease in attention – they interact with each other, small letters and the Mimik works with masks.
  • Ruhezittern: The unwanted seat is one of the best branded bars. I späteren Verlauf können auch die Füße affected signal.
  • Stiffness: Nacken, Arme und Beine are of a Steifheit der Muskeln-beinträchtigt. The Körperhaltung is often vornübergebeugt.
  • Mangling Stability: Affected lead to Gleichweightsstörungen. Noticeable power in itself with regard to Gehen und Stehen, was the Gefahr für Stürze erhöht.

This treatment contains complete information about your physical health and should not lead to self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. There are no shortcomings in the due process. Individual fragments of the Krankheitsbildern would be edited by a non-editor.