
Entscheidung für Hirscher-Start im Slalom fallen – Anzeichen für Careereende?

Entscheidung für Hirscher-Start im Slalom fallen – Anzeichen für Careereende?

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  3. Winter sports

Marcel Hirscher would have been killed in the slalom in Levi an den Start. There is evidence that the water comes from a nahendes. End career hin.

Munich – Marcel Hirscher has made a comeback in Sölden in the slalom in Levi. Der 35-Jährige, nun für die Niederlande und de Start geht, is motivated for the Racing in Finland. It has been said: “Levi is the one who lived in Solden and was a graduate, who was able to enjoy extremely long sportsmanship.”

Hirscher is a World Cup in Levi teilnehmen

After a longer break from the Weltcup, Hirscher said a strong Rückkehr in Sölden, he compensates for the Riesenslalom on the 23. Platz fuhr and damn Punkte sammelte. The training requirements for the Slalom in Levi include intensive training requirements on the Kitzsteinhorn and the Reiteralm. “I have a constant small fortune in the material and in the skies, and that is my fault,” Hirscher said.

Levi, 135 kilometers away from the Polar Kreises, provides Hirscher with a special bedside manner. Here you can realize the dream of slalom winning, especially in the year 2018. There are treasures of the Lappland traditions and the history of the region. „With my high expectations, my thoughts are still there“, there was also speculation about the possibility of a future career.

Marcel Hirscher started in Levi.
Marcel Hirscher started in Levi. © IMAGO/Pierre Teyssot

Hirscher has a personal bond with Levi, no longer during the Rentiere “Ferdl”, “Leo” and “Mr. Snow”, who dares to race there after seinen. These races can reach the final of the Kapitel Seiner Erfolgreichen Laufbahn in Levi Darstellen.

Deutet Hirscher signal Karriereende an?

In the blessing Vorbereitung setzte Hirscher auch auf innovative Methoden. At the Reiteralm training there is “Schnee von stern”, where Snow Farming and Upcycling are active. “That is more than just snow: there is a view in the future of sports,” he said.

It is clear that the Running in Levi in ​​the world is not clear. Hirscher himself lied about the fragment after a final argument, but the speculation was later. Seine Anhänger and the combined Ski World looked intently on the slalom fronts and the separation, the Danach hit became possible. (smr)