
TSG und PreZero machen Ressourcenschutz zum Standard

TSG und PreZero machen Ressourcenschutz zum Standard

Under the motto ‘Zero Time to Waste’, the German sports world came together in a forum in the PreZero Arena with the circular economy model of the TSG Hoffenheim economy. Neuer Meilenstein: Wasser as a source.

The TSG Hoffenheim and its night-time partner PreZero put our maßstäbe to work. Am Dienstag (12.11.24) fand for more than 100 customers and customers of Stadien, Vereinen, Verbanden and Unternehmen in Deutschland the “Zero Waste Forum” statt. Speaker gaben einen tiefen Einblick in the theme Circular Economy. “Our friends, with PreZero and our continued partners, will be able to look at each other, which will not be affected by the environmental impact of our work, but will also be fully appreciated in the common Vision Zero Waste,” says Dr. Markus Schütz, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung TSG Hoffenheim. “It is important for a TSG Hoffenheim that at that time it is a positive company that runs a company and also does other things, but that more is done to make all the profits.”

It will take more than a year for the PreZero Arena to become the first according to DIN SPEC 91436, Road to Zero Waste Arena of Bundesliga football – active with silver in Reifegrad. Gold is the Soul. Neben de Meilensteinen Mehrwegbecher, Trennnsysteme und Grastafel steht the Thema Wasser on the future To-Do-List. “Since we have been here intensively and since we have gone further, we will continue to experience new experiences,” says Marcus Sagitz, Head of Marketing & Corporate Affairs at PreZero. “With the Leuchtturmprojekt PreZero Arena, the stadium will be expanded and the football matches will be played, which can also function, because it can all provide a standard performance.”

“Zero Time to Waste” – the theme is no longer gilded, a highly carative panel discussed by experts and experts from the Wirtschaft, Politik and Nachhaltigkeit Austauschten. So it is a matter of Nachhaltigkeit and Kreislaufwirtschaft nor of Standards, nach denen sich Vereine, Verbände and Stadionbetreiber oriented können. With a perspective from Anna Goldhofer, co-founder CRITICAL FRIENDS, Katja Suhr, head of the Circular Economy Team at GIZ, Silke Schmidt-Stegemann, Bundesumweltministerium, and Dr. Günther Bachmann, ehemaliger Generalsekretär des Rats für Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Vorstand der Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis , Stellung.

One of the most important sources is Lukas Märtens’ resource. For the gold medal winner at a distance of 400 meters, the hand is on the hand, it was a good thing that in your sporting status you could be spoiled for choice. As soon as the herausordererungen of meile are known, the Latte von Silber will be high on Gold. “For my Schwimmer, water is no longer my sport, one of the best resources is our planet. If I come from the Nähe von Magdeburg, the problems of Seen and Moore will arise. It is a fact that these landscape activities and the level of the Fischotter from Aussterben are disappointing. It is one of the things we can acknowledge, because the Schutz that is Lebensräume is a fact. Ohne Wasser does not give life. Auch für uns nicht,” says Märtens.

A national and international partner follows PreZero’s first partner of the TSG Hoffenheim model. There are young children in the family, the SAP Garden in Munich, such as the Spitzenvereine with RCD Mallorca, RB Leipzig, the VfB Stuttgart and the FC Bayern on the “Road to Zero Waste”. PreZero’s own company has been awarded gold status.