
Architectural utopia and dystopia in the archive of the avant-garden

Architectural utopia and dystopia in the archive of the avant-garden

Dresden. The idea is sophisticated and fascinating: the Alps are getting bigger. The architect Bruno Taut, 1880 in Königsberg, born in 1938 in Istanbul, set himself an alpine model. A great covering of the mountains with glass from Montblanc in the Ticino Mountains was considered. The Monte Rosa is one of the great bells, the Lyskamm and the Breithorn with upward movements and ornaments displayed.

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Der Architekt himself presents his vision with the Worten: “Yes, impractical and ohne Nutzen! Has it become what a Nützlichen glücklich has become? Immer Nutzen und Nutzen: Comfort, Bequemlichkeit, good Essen, Bildung, Messer, Gabel, Eisenbahnen, Closetts und yet kanonen, Bomben, Mordgeräte!’ The Enge der Mietskasernen are a Grund voor unmenschliches Verhalten. Alternative plants are the city and a variety of architecture and nature.

Bauen worked in the Gesellschaft

Skizzen zu dem Project takes place in the Dresden Blockhaus, the “Archiv der Avantgarden” (ADA), jener Sammlung, the Egidio Marzona on the 1960er-Jahren sister amment ridge. The convolut of the Mäzens houses more than 1.5 million objects from the 20. Jahrhundert, Darunter Möbel, Design sowie Kunst. 200 der Exponate, Zeichnungen, Modelle, Objektes und Publikationen aus der Zeit von 1900 bis in de 1970er-Jahre erzählen in der zweiten Ausstellung des Hauses vom Glauben an den Fortschritt, seinem Scheitern, von Utopien und Dystopie. “Welten bauen. Visionaire Architektur in 20. Jahrhunderts “heißt de Schau and will benau das allein nicht sein.

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The Curators Clemens Ottenhausen and Hubertus Adam have made great efforts not to provide an artistic presentation, but a permanent Diskurs with the published work. “It became a laurel of the time objects that were shifted and newly introduced, it would be a discussion room that eliminates the power, even if it is a reflection of the environment,” said Ottenhausen. While the great Blockhaus, in the form of the ADA, has an architect’s vision, the debate has so failed that Bauen works in the Gesellschaft or as a whole.

Sleek alpine architectural images at the beginning of the rundgangs. Danach followed another work by Paul Scheerbart, the pioneer of fantastic literature from 1900 onwards, works by architects and architects Richard Buckminster Fuller, by Italian designers Ettore Sottass and by the architects of the Coop Himmelblau, which was realized in Dresden and by the Kino Kristallpalast on Prager Straße . When the Künstlergruppe Superstudio with “The Fortwährende Monument” was founded in 1973, a very exciting idea was created that could be done. Hubertus Adam erklärt: Everything was so that it was so that it came from the schwebenden archive cube in the Ausstellungsraum-legen. “It is possible to start hanging and restoring a connection,” says the Kurator.

We’re moving on, you can’t start

It is exciting in Jedem Fall, which is closely related to the others who can ausbreiten Utopien in the Ausstellung seine aufgezeichneten, if it is a Spielplatz here, it is an unparalleled world improver. Once the project is realized, the festivities are confirmed and the real world is not satisfied. If you have a plan, an expansion, for example in cosmic dwellings, in a Siedlung rolling through the land rollers or in an integrated infrastructure. Close to other hangings and lies about a post-capitalist new beginning that could provide some new sources of resources. Here you will learn: Architektur meint immer auch Zerstörung. Before we go any further, you’ll have to start again, but it can make great strides.

If the installation is carried out in the core of the critical, all archiving plans can be renewed. The world of the world is no longer in the climbing wall and the well-known Wachstums der Menschheit, including in the Kurs of technology or directing programs. After Google found an intelligent intelligent city in Toronto, Bill Gates was interested in a new world in 2017: Belmont sollte into the city. The software guru wants to put his gauntlet in the western Arizona set. It is unclear, the plans that took place in 2017 have become. In the coming years, the Wüstensand of Saudi Arabia will have a technical leadership of the former Siemens chief Klaus Kleinfeld, who has a megacity worth 500 billion dollars at his disposal. Planted by Passagierdrohnen and Häuser, who come up with the 3D-Drucker. In China there is a Stadt with Ordos, investors were thought of with geometrically zirkeled Wohnblöcken in the Schmuckem Stadium. The problem: there are people who have a problem or who have not been helped properly.

It’s not new. Baghdad has worked from the Abbasids on the Reißbrett in eight years after Christ, the Herrnhuter focuses on prosperity after its own plans, a mission that has been completed. Immerse yourself in the architecture of the enterprise model. The new Ausstellung seems to be like this, we will come to the Ansicht of the radical Utopia that the Association itself has established, through which Thinking can be reausgefordert. “It is a cooperation partner of the ADA that makes all inputs,” says Clemens Ottenhausen.

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Die Ausstellung: „Welten construction. Visionäre Architektur im 20. Jahrhundert” öffnet at 16.11. and starting from March 9, 2025 Archive of Avantgarden. Opening times: Dienstag bis Freitag 15-21 Uhr and Sonnabend und Sonntag 11-19 Uhr.