
Schwarz Gruppe buys on Google • news • onvista

Schwarz Gruppe buys on Google • news • onvista

NECKARSULM (dpa-AFX) – The Schwarz Gruppe provides an overview of Google’s Office program. Through Konzern, the electronic trading chain of Lidl and Kaufland, it has been a long-standing partnership with Google. The problem with Amazon’s trading activities is that the Schwarz-Gruppe has been looking at a number of American standby companies with its IT company.


The union of Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Gerd Chrzanowski, Komplementär of the Schwarz Group, comes to an end, weil sich the German Handelskonzern at the Cloud-Geschäft bislang of US-Anbieter abgegrenzt hatte. Chrzanowski said: “With Google a partner has funded, creating one of the most interesting, transparent, simple gewährt and clear display effects.”

Google cannot contain the data

When releasing the Schwartz Group with Stackit, the Cloud Einheit from Schwarz Digits, local Speicherplatz for the Google Workspace preparations and a Verschlüsselungslösung for the Kunden offers. So there is a specific solution for efficiency at the workplace, which is the Schwarz Group. Damit was prevented from reaching the Zugriff by Dritte, a true Google himself. De Kunden’s data may be used within the European Union.

Google won its product software during the deal with a new major acquaintance: the division of the Schwarz Gruppe with 575,000 copies was adapted to Google Workspace. You can use another text translation, table calculation and presentation program.

Umkämpftes Cloud Business

The Geschäft mit Speicherplatz, Rechenleistung, Datenbanken and others Systems from the Cloud look at a number of years kräftig and are an umkämpft. The major American companies Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft and Google run two Drittel des Markets. Then there are more European activities active, such as Ionos, T-Systems, OVH and the Schwarz Gruppe.

Viele kommerzielle Cloud-Anwender in Deutschland legen Wert that dating appear domestically and not be uberraged in the US. Daher bauen auch die US-Konzerne Rechenzentren in Deutschland./chd/DP/ngu