
Publikumsliebling Reitz erklärt Rückkehr in Gladbach-Startelf

Publikumsliebling Reitz erklärt Rückkehr in Gladbach-Startelf

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Rocco Reitz has won a place in the starting line-up of Borussia Mönchengladbach. Was steckt behind the Leistungssteigerung?

Mönchengladbach – With a Passquote of 85 Prozent, 7 of 10 won Zweikämpfen am Boden and 7 abgefangeneen Bällen, Rocco Reitz was one of the most important players of Borussia Mönchengladbach against RB Leipzig.

Reitz played in the Startelf zurück

Allen felt in the dominant first phase of the Mittelfeld player who played the ball and led to some attacks. Schon in the forward corridors Playing power Reitz as active posts on their brand name, not a single Zweikampfhärte shimmers to playful Qualitäten durch.

Nor zu Saisonbeginn hat Reitz a schweren Stand, weil Sommerneuzugang Philipp Sander Druck ausübte. After Bayer Leverkusen followed a game on the bench, Eintracht Frankfurt first started to play Reitz with a new beginning and the Joker-Einsätze came to an end.

Rocco Reitz fights a Zweikampf with Willi Orban in the Bundesligaspiel of RB Leipzig against Borussia Mönchengladbach
Rocco Reitz (r.) is settled in Mittelfeld von Borussia Mönchengladbach © IMAGO/Fotostand / Nachtigall

See the 3:2 match against 1. FC Heidenheim in the Bundesliga-Spieltag that pushes Sander’s competitors out of the starting eleven. The eigengewächs rückt im Pressing nach, übt so geschickt Druck aus and ermöglicht hohe Ballgewinne.

Warum Reitz in Gladbach is unseen

In the season that Reitz plays with the only game, the aggressive Mittellinie at work are geht and gewillt, a ball that you camp. The German U21 National Players are known Image-Zeitung zu Protokoll, zu change Stärke gefunden zu haben, weil the Mannschaftskollegen in dieser Saison mitziehen.

“I’m coming into the Zweikämpfe and coming for the Gegner. I am proud, because the intensity in the last two days, three weeks in all of us, has not become even higher,” says Reitz and concretely: “I am happy with my self, aber is powerful but also better, we will continue to have the Jungs There is also a higher intensity and the tag empty.”

Schon vor dem Spiel in Leipzig verzeichnete Gladbach in point Sprints und Laufleistung een Steigerung in Vergleich zur Vorsaison. Indes hat Borussia has won the best Zweikmeisten of the Bundesligisten (1018), the Sechstmeisten Zweikämpfe has won (504) and in Liga-Vergleich the drittmeisten Bälle-afgefangen (99).

Complete the form for Ziel für Gladbach

The more intensive play brings fruit. Gladbach is in its four playing years and ranks on 14 points on the new Tablenplatz. The Länderspielpause dishonors the Lauf der Fohlen-Elf, weshalb is umso wichtiger ist, de gute Form zu conserveren en ich in een Woche konzentriert auf des kommende Bundesligaspiel vorzubereiten.

“The soul must be welcome, the day we come to St. Pauli (November 24, 5:30 p.m.) we will be there – the woolen we will all be,” said Reitz en ergänzte: “I am happy, that is all good in the Länderspielpause who come and we will have a good time We can do more things in the last four Liga games.“ And if only a few things have been played, it is the choice you can make when you start playing.