
ROUNDUP/Aktien New York Schluss: Party legdet

ROUNDUP/Aktien New York Schluss: Party legdet

Finanznachrichten News

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – An American Börsen first puts the Air Force at ease. After the stagnation in the economy, the Donnerstag wohl on Wall Street as a technology stock exchange Nasdaq was a mild relief. The award ceremony will start in October, making immunity a fact. After Jerome Powell fired the American nut bank chiefs Jerome Powell, he won the Fed in Saxony Zinssenkungen nicht eilig hat.

The Dow Jones Industrial lost 0.47 to 43,750.86 Punkte. After waging the US presidential election war, Donald Trump rose more than 6 percent and built a reputation after another. The war is about the image of the Nasdaq stock exchange. Since the end of the day, there is still an urge to move forward.

The finalized S&P 500 gab on Donnerstag a 0.60 Prozent auf 5,949.17 Zähler nach. The Nasdaq 100 lost 0.66 Prozent auf 20,896.67 Punkte.

If you take a big step on the Platz, Walt Disney’s paper is in the spotlight on the strong profits of the entertainment industry, a more than 6 Prozent nach oben schnellten. For the new Geschäftsjahr 2024/25, Konzernchef Robert Iger plans more Gewinnwachstum. Zudem-kündigte is een Aktienrückkäufe in the amount of 3 billion US dollars and.

Kursverluste work of the Aktien Großer US-Rüstungskonzerne. The papers of General Dynamics, RTX, Lockheed Martin and GE Aerospace lost 2.8 and 6.9 Prozent. I am dealing with an unsafe situation for investors with a click on American representation politics. These things can be “irregular” and are better treated.

If the Verlierern in Dow zählten the Anteile von Cisco, die a 2.1 Prozent nachgaben. Analysts reviewed the quarters of networking specialists. Expert David Vogt of the Bank UBS wrote, yes, profitability was first one of the Zenit things that was possible.

Neben Cisco moves to other IT and technology activities in Dow nach. So Salesforce and IBM 3 lost 0.9 Prozent ein respectively.

The rate of the euro was developed in New Yorker with a value of 1.0520 US dollars in Schwäche. The Europäische Zentralbank has set the Referenzkurs at 1.0533 (mittwoch: 1.0629) Dollarfestgesetzt. The Dollar has a value of 0.9493 (0.9408) Euro.

I deal with US state sanctions if so. The term contract for zehnjährige paper (T-Note-Future) fell to 0.04 percent at 109.38 points. Die Rendite zehnjähriger Bundesanleihen verharrte bei 4.44 Prozent./bek/he

— Von Benjamin Krieger, dpa-AFX —

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